Form (submit a request)

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Originally posted on Quizilla in 2010

FORM (You can post this as a story or send it to me as a message, preferably the latter. Do not put your answers in the comments. The comment section is for questions only.)

1) Gender:

2) Species:

3) Side [can have more than one, like a double agent. If loyal to more than one, be sure that it makes sense; e.g. Inuyasha's, Sesshōmaru's, Naraku's, Kōga's, works alone, with friends, no side, et cetera]:

4) Travels with [Inuyasha and co., Sesshōmaru and co., Kōga, works alone, with friends, no one, etc.]:

5) Are you after Shikon Jewel shards in order to increase your power? :

6) Do you want to get all of the Shikon Jewel shards so that you can reform the Shikon Jewel? Why? :

7) How did you meet Inuyasha and his friends? :

8) {Optional} Describe how you look:

9) If you travel with friends {question #4} who are they? :

10) Explain your past:

11) Describe your personality:

12) Do you have a dark/big secret? If so, what? :

13) If you are a half-demon, which parent was human and which was a demon? :

14) {Optional} Add any other info here:

15) How do you fight? [weapons, powers, et cetera; specify weapon or power]

16) How old are you/do you look? :


These are just some suggestions of types of demons or half-demons you could be; it is not limited to this, feel free to pick something else, or something not specific at all:

Dog demonWolf demonCat demonPanther demonRaccoon(-dog) demonFox demonTenko –a fox demon that is at least one thousand years old, and thus has nine tailsPhoenixEnera: a demon residing in bonfires and, when it emerges, it takes the form of a human. They are sometimes created from the souls of slain mortalsMermaidOgre (you don't have to be ugly or giant; I will accept pretty, human-sized ogres XD )DragonFairy (you don't have to be small like Disney-Tinkerbell; I am lenient)Bird demon


- you can choose your own name if you really want to, but it's not necessary, since I generally choose a name for you based on your personality, past, et cetera

- you can [in fact, I would highly advise it] know other characters besides Inuyasha and co.

- you cannot go through the Bone Eaters well to Kagome's era

- please be as detailed as possible [I'm not looking for a novel, but still] about your past. "I was raised by a samurai" doesn't help me much, especially since I generally make your past a big part of the story

- you can be a priestess or a monk, but then youhave to be a human

- if you are a demon or half-demon you can have any hair color that you want [e.g. black, blonde, green, blue, black, red, purple, et cetera]

- if you are a human, you can have any natural hair color that you want, but there are minor conditions:

Black, dark brown: none

Blonde: you're a foreigner

Red: must be natural, orange-red hair, not firey blood colored; you're a foreigner

Grey, white: must be old

- if you are a human, you can have any natural skin tine that you want, but there are minor conditions:

skin tones that are lighter, such as Kikyō and Sango's: none

any other that wouldn't normally be seen in a native of Japan: you're a foreigner

- if you are a demon or half-demon, there is no limit as to what type you can be or how you can look

- you can be an incarnation of Naraku

- the less details you give me, the less I have to work on and thus, the shorter your result will most likely be

- feel free to come from any type of background, especially if you are a human. You can be from a samurai family, a commoner, foreign, or whatever. Read some of my published quiz results to get an idea of the large variety of options there are

- I've had sooooo many people who want to destroy the jewel, give shards to someone who needs it, give it to Kagome, have no use for it, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera

Really? You wouldn't go after it... not even ones hard? You have "no use" for that power, or want it give it to someone who needs it or want to rid the world of its evil? You wouldn't want to become stronger? You wouldn't want it for personal gain? To protect or bring back a loved one? It would make a nice bargaining chip, too.

No need to make yourself look nice, people. Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku and Shippō all wanted to use the jewel—or at least a shard—for personal gain.

I might be indifferent at first, but hell, if I found a jewel shard I'd be like:

I've gotta jewel shard! I've gotta jewel shard! I've got lotsa power now! I've got lotsa power now!♪......... Wait... now people are gonna start attacking me for it... ♪I don't want the jewel shard! I don't want the jewel shard! You can have it back now!♪ *puts down jewel shard and slowly backs away*

So why not have some fun, instead of being a little goody two-shoes? And when it comes down to it, even the kindest man becomes weak in the knees when face to face with true power. >:)

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