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Originally posted in March of 2011 on Quizilla                        

Name: Minori

Meaning: truth

Life story:

You grew up a rather simple life. Simple, yet complicated. Your father, a human, mated with a wolf demon. Not to mention your parents had you, a half-breed, for a child. That didn't make it any easier.

When you were twelve the villagers had had enough of your family. It was your father who had brought a demon into the village, and had that thing he called a child. Still, they hated all of you equally. They weren't strong enough to kill you or your mother, so they killed your father instead.

Your mother, in a state of rage, killed all of the villagers. Out of guilt, she told you of a nearby village to go to, and that she would meet you there. You went to the village, with a shawl over your head, so that no one could tell you had demon blood. You then lived there until you turned seventeen, and realized that your mother had either been murdered, or had committed suicide. Either way she wasn't coming back for you, and so you set off on your own journey.

You met several different people on your journey, such as Inuyasha and his travelling party. It was somewhat of an odd meeting. You see, you'd gotten hungry, and so you tried to eat the small fox demon. Well, eventually that dispute got settled, and you went on your way.

Then there was the day you ran into a young girl. You had heard a scream, and rushed to where it was coming from. You saw a young girl and a small demon being chased by a larger demon, fear evident in their eyes. You jumped up to the larger demon and began to fight it. Eventually you had harmed it enough, so it admitted defeat and ran away.

The smaller demon was looking at you in disgust, though you didn't find that very shocking. The young girl, on the other hand, was looking at you in awe. You were confused as to why though, considering you didn't have your shawl on, so she must have clearly been able to see your wolf ears.

"That was amazing," said the young girl. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," you said, somewhat confused.

"My name is Rin, and this is Jaken-sama," she said, pointing to the small demon accompanying her. "What's your name?"

"Minori," you replied.

"Minori-sama, will you play with me for a while?" she asked. "Jaken-sama is quite boring."

"Hey!" snapped the small demon. "I'm not here for your amusement. Anyway, Rin, get away from the girl. She's a half-breed."

Rin looked at you oddly, somewhat disappointed. So it wasn't demons she didn't like, it was humans.

"That's okay," she said, with a smile. "It doesn't matter. So, will you play with me?"

"Yes, of course," you replied.

After a couple of hours, you sensed the presence of a demon nearby. You quickly got into a fighting position, just in case. When the demon came, to your surprise, Rin ran towards him, with Jaken quickly tailing her. You followed them as well. The demon acknowledged both of them, and it was now clear he would not harm them. The only one he didn't bother to look at was you. You were fine with it though, since the majority of demon did this.

"Sesshōmaru-sama!" she said. "Welcome back." She then spun around and looked at you. "Minori-sama, are you all alone?"

Confused, you nodded.

"Sesshōmaru-sama, could she come with us?" Rin asked. "She's very nice, and she saved Jaken and me from a demon that tried to hurt us."

Sesshōmaru-sama stared at Jaken, who seemed to be terrified, and then he turned to you. "That is up to her," he said.

"Minori-sama, will you come with us?" Rin begged. "Please."

"Okay," you said, with a smile.

Ever since then you have been travelling with Sesshōmaru, Rin, and Jaken. It's nice being with them. For so long you lived a lie. You lied to yourself, and pretended you didn't know everyone in your village hated you. Then when your mother left, she never came back like she had said, and then when you went to the village she'd sent you to. People had liked you, but they wouldn't have if they'd known you were a half-demon. With Rin, when she tells you she likes you, you believe her. Now, you finally know the truth.

Abilities: swordsmanship; claws

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: I don't get why Sesshōmaru let's her travel with him. She's a hanyō. And she's damn annoying, too. She argued with me about eating Shippō for a good ten minutes. 

Kagome: I didn't know she was a half-demon until she left and Shippō-chan told me. I felt bad for her when she said she was hungry, so when Inuyasha tried to fight her, I told him to sit.

Inuyasha: *crashes into the ground*

Sango: She doesn't seem to be threatening. She seems innocent, like Rin-san.

Miroku: I agree with Sango-san. I've only seen Minori-san fight when it's absolutely necessary.

Shippō: I'm glad I wasn't alone with Inuyasha when she came. He probably would have let her eat me.

(Me: Most likely)

Kikyō: I am not sure whom you are speaking of.

Kaede: I do not think I know her.

Myōga: I've only seen her before.

Kōga: I don't know that much about her.

Naraku: She and Rin can easily be used to manipulate Sesshōmaru.

Byakuya: From what I've seen, she doesn't seem to do very much.

Kagura: She doesn't talk much, at least around me she doesn't.

Kanna: Her soul would be lost without Sesshōmaru and the others.

Hakudōshi: She's just a weak hanyō.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Her heart is filled with distrust.

Mōryōmaru: She looked ready to jump in when I fought Sesshōmaru, but he told her to stay back.

Sesshōmaru: Rin seems rather fond of her.

Jaken: Sesshōmaru-sama seems to think she is better suited to protect Rin. Does this mean he does not trust me? No! That cannot be!

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