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Originally posted in September of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Tamiko

Meaning: child of the people


Life story:

You are a rare breed of crow demon. What makes your species different from other bird demon, is that every month, you feed off of human souls. You don't feel sorry about it, and you don't care that you do it.

One day, a member of your flock sent you to a dark mountain, rumored to be the dwellings of a demon possessing a jewel shard. You had been sent because you were the strongest member of your flock. At the mountain, you managed to kill the demon, and obtain its jewel shard. Your wings were hidden in your kimono, an old habit of yours. If a human were to pass by they would believe you were simply a regular human woman, and with your ability to hide your presence, even the keenest human priestess wouldn't be able to sense your true nature. You were about to head back, when a group of travelers ran toward you. Nothing special, just some humans, a couple of weak demons, and a half-demon.

"Hand over the jewel shard," the half-demon demanded, obviously aware that you were truly a demon, due to his keen senses.

"Inuyasha!" exclaimed an oddly dressed girl who was standing next to him.

"Oh, come on, Kagome! She's a—," Inuyasha was interrupted by a monk.

"Hello, you must realize that what you have in your possession is a shard of the Jewel of Four Souls."

"Yes," you replied.

"Well, it's far too dangerous for you to handle, so why don't you give it to us?" He then looked you up and down. "My, now that I get a better look at you, I must say, you're quite beautiful. Would you consider—?"

"Miroku!" "Miroku-sama!" his friends shouted at him, making him scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"I'm quite capable of handling myself," you said in a rather annoyed tone.

Inuyasha reached for his sword, and when Kagome saw this, she yelled, "Inuyasha, sit boy!" causing the Hanyō to crash into the earth. At this point you were already walking away.

"Kagome! She's actually a demon!" cried a small fox demon. The humans looked shocked, and got ready to fight.

"You know what?!" you exclaimed. "This so isn't worth it! I'm powerful enough as it is. You can have your stupid jewel shard!" You tossed the shard to them, sprouted your wings, and flew off, cussing under your breath.

In the distance you could hear one of them say, "Well, that was surprisingly easy."

You recall seeing them one more time, you'll never forget it. It was the end of a month, and in order to survive, you needed a human soul. There's different strategies used, simply killing the human on the spot, getting them to trust you then betraying them, seducing, and so on and so forth. You simply disguise yourself as a human, and lure them into a secluded area, where you finish the job.

You recall one day, you had a young woman with you. The life drained out of her eyes, as the wisps of light which was her soul, came out of her mouth, and you absorbed them. You suddenly felt a familiar presence coming toward you, and by the time the woman was dead, Inuyasha and his friends were there.

"What the hell did you do to that woman?" Inuyasha demanded to know. "You're an Empty Crow," his friend, a demon slayer, said. "They're an extremely rare breed of crow demon; I wasn't even sure that they existed anymore. They don't have souls, and so they have to feed off of the souls of humans every month. They can control crows, too. Kind of like how  wolf demon can command wolves."

"Looks like someone's done their research," you said nonchalantly.

"That's disgusting," Inuyasha said as he pulled his sword out of its sheath.

"I am no longer required to be here. A battle with a half-breed would just be pointless," you said. "You are not worth my time." You then summoned many crows, which blocked the eyesight of the group, and you used that chance to get away.

Abilities: summon crows to fight for you; fly; consume souls; other demon powers 

What they think about you:

Inuyasha: She's disgusting.

Kagome: It's really horrible what she does, but I still wonder why she gave over that jewel shard so willingly.

Sango: I'm surprised that race still exists. I wonder how many are left.

Miroku: It's horrible to imagine how many human souls she's taken.

Shippō: That's creepy. Not even I've heard of a demon like that.

Kikyō: I do not know her.

Kaede: I have not heard of her.

Myōga: What? An Empty Crow? I don't know her. Wow, I haven't seen one of those in a while.

Kōga: Yeah, I've seen her before. I thought it was kind of weird she was disguised as a human, though.

Naraku: Ah, yes, I know her. She helps get rid of people for me every now and then.

Byakuya: Yeah, I've seen her. Naraku mainly just uses her to kill humans he wants dead. Probably because he doesn't want any evidence that any of us had something to do with it.

Kagura: I don't know her. Nobody tells me anything.

(Me: I know how that is, sister)

Kanna: She is merely being used.

Hakudōshi: I've hardly spoken to her.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): I have nothing to do with her.

Mōryōmaru: Who?

Sesshōmaru: I've seen her before. She was taking a human soul.

Jaken: She's creepy!

(Me: Says the guy who hangs out with emo, albino dog demon

Jaken: How dare you disrespect Lord Sesshō—!

(Me: *hits his head so that he falls unconscious* Damn, he's annoying)

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