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Originally posted in September of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Toki

Meaning: hopeful

Life story:

You grew up the life of an average half-demon: being harassed and ridiculed. You were fortunate to have both of your parents alive, though since your mother was a cat demon, she did not live in the village with your father and you.

A while after rumors had spread about the shattering of the Shikon Jewel, a villager came and bragged about how he had found a shard. Apparently two demons were fighting over it, and they ended up killing each other. He'd been lucky enough to be walking by when they died. The story must have spread fast, because one day, something happened.

It was the day after your mother had finished a battle with another demon. She won, but was seriously injured, and needed to rest. Several demons attacked the village, and you ran for it. You ended up running into the man who possessed the Shikon Jewel shard, you hid, and saw that a demon in the form of a human man was hovering over his lifeless body with the shard in his hand. Next to him stood a Yōkai who held a fan which she then closed, after having finished using it.

"Do you really think I don't know you're there, half-breed?" You heard a cry in the distance, then ran up at him and swung your claws, though he easily dodged your attack, and smirked. You sensed a familiar demonic aura, and you instantly became concerned.

"Get out of the way, Toki," your mother said.

You turned around. "But Okāsan, you can't. You're still not—"

"—Get out of the way," she repeated. Your eyes began to water, but you did as she said. "Now, go. I don't care where, just go." Your mothers eyes looked sad, she knew she wasn't going to make it. "Toki, your father and I will always love. Please, just remember that." You nodded.

"How touching," laughed the male demon.

Your mother took one last glance at you, and you saw something you had never seen before: her eyes were watering. "Leave!" she shouted one last time. You did as she said. You ran, and ran, and your keen ears made out one small part of what your mother and the man said.

"Why? You could have just taken the jewel shard and gone. Why did you bother to kill them all?" your mother had asked.

"Well, where's the fun in that?" you could practically hear the smirk in the man's voice, "Kagura, take care of her." You heard a gust of wind, and a grunt. It was then silent, and you could smell your mother's blood.

You had discovered your father's corpse on the way out of the village, but you didn't stop, you had to do as your mother had told you.

Time passed, and you had no clue as to what the man's name had been, only the name of the woman who had followed him. You dug your nose around in some things, and managed to find clues about him. You didn't have a name, but you had heard that a group of travelers were looking for him. You had talked to someone who they knew, and were able to get an item that had the scent of one of the group members. Apparently a wolf demon had some old, used bandages someone in the group had given him. You barely made out the scent of a human, and left. It would have been better if you could have gathered more information from the wolf demon, like the attacker's name, but demons aren't very fond of half demons.

After long work you managed to track down the scent. You saw the group, and stood back and watched them for a while. Apparently they were so busy, the half-demon and demon didn't bother to make a big deal about your scent, and the humans, of course, couldn't smell you. With a swish of red colored sword, a castle appeared.

"Naraku," that's the name you heard. That was the one who destroyed your village, and killed you parents. You hated the villagers, they were horrible to you, but you didn't care. He had killed you parents, the only people who ever cared for you, and for that, you would not forgive him.

When they were fighting Naraku, you charged. The dog demon (who you sensed was a half-demon) and his friends were rather shocked when you came, though Naraku seemed quite pleased.

"Toki," he said, "how wonderful that you could join us."

"My pleasure," you said through gritted teeth. You had almost ended up getting absorbed, and when the guys (who turned out to know each other) were arguing about who would kill Naraku, you just yelled, "I don't freakin' care! Can one of us just kill him already?!"

In the end Naraku escaped, the dog demon, whose name turned out to be Sesshōmaru, took back some kid of his, almost killed another kid, and the whole time you were utterly confused. When he left, the group then refocused their attention to you. "My brain hurts," you said as you fell to your butt.

You have been travelling with Inuyasha and friends ever since, and have gotten to know each of them, and now things make a lot more sense to you.

Abilities: claws; senbon needles

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She's not that bad. I guess I should have paid more attention to her scent when I first picked it up.

Kagome: She's really sweet.

Sango: I can definitely relate to her. That's probably one of the reasons we get along so well.

Miroku: She seems to have a similar tale as Sango.

Shippō: She's really nice to me.

Kikyō: I don't believe we have spoken many times.

Kaede: She is a rather nice girl.

Myōga: She's rather kind, but she still hits me like the others when I try to drink her blood.

Kōga: She seems to get pretty annoyed when the mutt and I argue.

Naraku: I was quite generous to her. I let her live.

Byakuya: I know her, but we haven't ever talked.

Kagura: Yeah, I remember her. It's not my fault about what happened. Kill or be killed, that's how it is for me.

Kanna: She is protective of her friends.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): She's the other Hanyō.

Mōryōmaru: Her claws can't break my armor.

Sesshōmaru: She interfered when I first met her.

Jaken: How dare she yell at Sesshōmaru-sama! There will be consequences!

(Me: Like what?)

Jaken: ...

(Me: That's what I thought)

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