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Originally posted in March of 2012 on Quizilla

*Name requested by QT

Name: Ume*

Meaning: plum

Life story: 

Your mother died after giving birth to you, and so your father was left alone to raise you. A pure-blooded dog demon, you were taught to fight at a very young age by your father, who worried for your safety. When you were eight years-old, you awoke one morning, and were alone. You waited and waited, but your father did not return; you were left to assume the worse. Nothing better to do, you stopped waiting, and began wandering.

During your travels you met another young girl on; a fox demon named Yuri. Yuri was all alone, too, and so you began traveling together. Neither of you had anything better to do, anyways. And that is what brought you together. You traveled with one another from then on, and formed an unbreakable bond. A dog demon and a fox demon, but sisters nonetheless.

Years passed, and eventually the two of you heard a rumor that the  Jewel of Four Souls had returned, and shattered into countless pieces. Neither of you had given it a second thought until coming across about ten demons fighting over a single jewel shard. One demon slaughtered all of the others with ease. He grabbed the jewel shard and glanced at you and Yuri. He was wearing a mask, but you could practically sense his grin.

It was then that you and Yuri decided not to get involved with the jewel, if that's what it caused.

One day you and Yuri were wandering the outskirts of the forest; it was a clear and quiet day out. Though it didn't last.

As Yuri and you went farther in one direction it became difficult to ignore the arguing of some people outside of the field. You sensed demons, humans and even a  half-breed, and out of curiosity, the two of you went towards the presences (and shouts). The two of you exited the fields to see a woman yelling at a dog demon half-breed, who only just seemed to notice you, having been so preoccupied with his argument. His ears perked up and he went into defensive mode, running towards you. This caused his female companion to be very angered.

"Hey, I was talking to you!" she shouted. Seeing that her friend showed no sign of slowing down, she shouted, "Sit!"

Immediately after hearing this, the half-breed landed face-first onto the ground.

You and Yuri simply stared at the spectacle, eyes wide.

"Back away slowly, and avoid making eye contact," Yuri ordered, already backing away. "That's how they get into your mind. And be careful; humans can smell fear."

The intimidating human girl turned from the now grounded dog demon half-breed, and began glaring at Yuri and you. Her glare quickly vanished, and was replaced with a look of embarrassment and flushed cheeks. She quickly ran up to you, and began apologizing profusely.

"Hello nice to meet you my name's Kagome I'm so sorry please ignore that he was just being an idiot," she said all in one breath.

"You don't go running up to demons and introducing yourself, idiot!" the half-breed shouted as he got up from the ground. "You're going to get yourself killed!"

"Well, we haven't tried to kill you yet, so I think we're safe," Yuri said.

Kagome laughed nervously, causing you to chuckle. "This is Inuyasha," she then gestured to her other friends who had come over by now, "and that's Sango-chan, Miroku-sama, Shippō-chan, and Kirara."

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