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Originally posted in January of 2012 on Quizilla

Name: Jun

Meaning: obedient

Life story:

Normally a seventeen year old wouldn't be getting married, but because you were such a "lucky" young lady, your father met a samurai and, after a lot of kissing up and paying, you were engaged. Lower class samurai, merchants flaunting their money around, selling their daughters—it happens.

Engaged to a man you barely knew. Lovely.

For some reason your parents really hated you (well, at least, that's how you saw it), and your mother refused to let you back out. Yes, women usually get married when they're older than you are, but this guy was a samurai, and this was a once in a lifetime opportunity (which you were constantly reminded of by your mother) and would benefit your entire family (which you were also constantly reminded of by your mother).

"Do not frown," your mother said after putting up your hair, "you get wrinkles that way." She turned to face your aunt. "Onēsan! Where is the tsunokakushi? I told you to carry it in!"

"I did!" your aunt said defensively.

"I do not see it!"

"Do not harass me!" your aunt said. "I brought it, but I did not bring it in this room. You specify where to put it."

"Aye, where else would I want you to put it?" your mother hissed. "Enough of this—show me where you put it."

Your mother and aunt then left the room bickering, being careful not to be too loud since they didn't want to make bad impressions.

You stared at the unfamiliar face in the mirror, with snow white skin and lips painted red. You admired her kimono and her overall beauty, but noticed her face filled with sorrow and eyes without life. To forever be trapped in a bond which she was not permitted to break, an unwanted, political bond which she could never escape.

You wouldn't let her be trapped. You needed to free her.

You grabbed your kaiken—something which any woman of the samurai class received as a wedding gift to use for self defense, or for jigai—to kill yourself. You drew the dreaded blade from its scabbard and slashed your  susoyoke, which ripped like paper under the fine blade, so that you had more room to move your legs. To run.

And you ran.

You tore open shōji after shōji, once or twice bumping into servants, who stared at you dumbfound. Once you were outside you just kept running, and running, and running...

It was getting dark, and you were washing whatever makeup remained from your face. You stared into the water and watched all the different colors swirl around. Black. Red. White. All on a clear blue canvas. You heard a purr and turned to see a small, purple cat demon, shyly approaching you. You smiled at the site, and held you your hand, beckoning it. The demon seemed to smile, and came closer to you. It purred, as you pet its warm fur, and lifted an arm to paw at you. You gasped when you felt a sudden sharp pain in your stomach. Your hand quickly went to the area in pain, and when you felt a warm liquid, you lifted your hand to your face to see that it was dripping with blood. Hearing a purr, you turned to see the small demon with its outstretched paw now missing one of the claws, which you realized it had shot into you.

'It's funny,' you thought to yourself. 'Okāsan always said that I was a fool to think that some demons were good. She said it would be the death of me.' You put your hand to your obi and grabbed the kaiken. You slowly stood up to face the demon, which seemed to be grinning maniacally as it licked its lips. Its fur stood up and it slowly began growing larger. 'Lovely.'

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