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Originally posted in June of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Chikako

Meaning: clever

Life story:

Your father was a powerful sheep demon, and your mother was a beautiful young human. Sheep demons were not native to the lands of Japan, and so after they arrived, many began claiming land for themselves. When your father invaded your mother's village he took pity on her and let her live. Whether your father really loved your mother is unknown, even to you.

Because you are what is known as a half-demon, you were often bullied. One day you met three sheep demons, named Akan, Raina, and Kai. Like you, they were different. They were not half-demons, but they did not share the same bloodthirsty habits of the other demons. By now, your mother had of disease, and your father had fallen in battle with another demon. The four of you became friends and left the village to travel. When entering villages, Akan, and Kai would put on a hat to cover their ears and conspicuous blonde hair. Raina and you, on the other hand, would put up your hair and slip on shawls.

A couple of times when in villages you and your friends have been discovered, but your quick thinking gets you out of these sticky situations

Because your friends are full demon, and none of you are power hungry, you don't bother going after any sacred jewel shards. You only fight defensively as do your friends, though Akan, on the other hand can be easily tempted into fighting.

When in a village on a day you were fully human, you were walking through the crowds when you bumped into someone. You looked to the side and saw that you had bumped into a girl in a strange green outfit, causing her to drop a strange yellow bag. You picked up the bag, and handed it to the girl.

"I'm sorry," you apologized.

"Oh, it's no problem," she insisted. Your eyes wandered to a dog demon standing next to her.

"Pardon me, but doesn't having a demon with you make you... stand out a bit too much?" you asked the girl. The demon scowled at you.

"Sometimes; anyway, he's only a half-demon," she explained.

"Hey! What's that supposed to—" the half-demon was interrupted when you felt a tap on your shoulder. You turned to see a monk standing next to you.

"Can I help you?" you asked.

"Excuse me, but would you," he grabbed your hands, causing you to blush, Raina and Kai to feel uncomfortable, and Akan to get extremely angered, "bear my child?"

"What?!" you exclaimed.


The monk then had a red hand mark on his cheek given to him by his rather jealous friend. If she hadn't stepped, Akan probably would have... much more violently.

"Kagome, let's just leave, I'm sick of these weak idiots," said the half-demon.


"Hey! Who are you calling weak?!" yelled Akan, "I could beat you any day!"

"Calm down! We don't want to draw attention to our—" but it was too late, Akan had pulled off his hat, and his ears were now clearly visible. The half-demon then burst out laughing, obviously amused with the fact that Akan was a sheep demon. Akan, on the other hand, was giving off a low growl, obviously offended by this.

"So you are a demon," the monk said. "I thought I was wrong since it's so odd to see a human alone with so many demons."

"Remind me to hurt Akan later," Kai requested.

"That is if I don't do it myself," said a rather bitter Raina.

"Akan, if you feel the need to be an idiot, do so outside of the village," you said, grabbing his hand and ran.

When you got out of the village, you proceeded to smack Akan. You all then took off your headgear, only to welcomed by the sound of voices approaching.

"Are you sure it's over here, Kagome?" someone asked.

"I'm positive; I felt the jewel shard in this direction," answered a familiar voice.

'A shard... of the Shikon Jewel?' you thought. 'She can sense where the fragments are?'

Out of the blue came a ferocious beast. "The shard is in its shoulder!" Kagome shouted.

Your friends looked at you, you could tell in by the look in their eyes what they were thinking, you nodded. You would help them out, in exchange for information.

You were about to jump in when Inuyasha swung his sword, and the beast was gone, all that was remaining was a jewel. "Still want to battle him, Akan?" asked Kai.

"Uh, maybe some other time," Akan replied.

"What was that?" you asked, stepping out of the brush, tripping, only to have Akan grab onto your arm and stopped you. You quickly moved on, hoping no one would notice.

Seeing you and your group , Inuyasha raised his sword.

"Relax, we have no interest in the shard. We just want to know what the hell happened," said Kai, trying his best to keep calm.

The group was hesitant, but eventually gave you most of their information: who they were, why they were after the jewel shards, how Kagome could sense the fragments, etc. You and your friends shared information about yourselves, as well, and then your groups parted ways.

Abilities: swordsmanship; demon powers

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: Kind of weird, but she isn't that bad. I didn't expect her to be a half demon, and I find it odd that she's okay with it.

Kagome: She was really nice, I hope to see her and her friends again.

Sango: I'm guessing she's not a very good fighter, due to her clumsiness. Overall, she's not bad.

Miroku: She seems like a kind girl.

Shippō: She was really nice to me!

Kikyō: I do not know her.

Kaede: I believe she came to the village once, although I was unaware she or her friends had any demon blood in them.

Myōga: Never have I met her, though I have heard of her father, a ruthless demon, he was.

Kōga: I think I ran into her and her friends once, but I didn't really think anything of it.

Naraku: I believe she is a companion of Inuyasha. I may be able to use that to my advantage.

Byakuya: It seems she's rather talented in the art of swordsmanship, but not talented enough.

Kagura: I know nothing of her.

Kanna: I have shown Naraku several images of her with my mirror.

Hakudōshi: Naraku is in the middle of making plans for her.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): I haven't met her.

Mōryōmaru: I don't know her.

Sesshōmaru: Another worthless half-breed.

Jaken: I have never met her, though I have heard tell. I believe Sesshōmaru-sama has met her *mumbles* but I was stuck with Rin.

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