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Originally posted in December of 2012 on Quizilla

(fanart; original source cannot be found)

Name: Sakura

Meaning: cherry blossom

Life story: 

Your father was a full-blooded dog demon, and your mother a human. You lived with your mother in a small village, and saw your father ever so often. The relationship between your parents is one you will never be able to fully grasp. Your mother loved your father, if that's even the right word for it. Obsessed, perhaps? A willing servant, utterly devoted. Your father, well, you can't say anything about him for sure.

One day, at the request of your father, your mother and you moved to another village. You resided in the forest, as to not attract attention.

You're father kept his distance, knowing that some of the village residents would no doubt find him.

Your father had a plan, and both you and your mother blindly obeyed. Over a month passed before it was put into action.

You were in the woods, hiding behind a tree. Due to the fact that you were a half-demon, you didn't have to worry about the woman roaming the area sensing you. Even the most powerful humans were only so keen.


Your ears perked up when you finally heard the familiar voice.

"Yukari-san," said the priestess. "What brings you here? It's a rare sight to find someone else here."

"Kikyō-sama," your mother continued, ignoring the question. "Why is it that you guard the Jewel of Four Souls?"

"It has been the duty of our village priestess as far back as time goes," said the woman, Kikyō.

"And you would do anything for it," said your mother, stating this more so than asking it. "Even die for it."

There was silence. "Yes," Kikyō replied.

"Anything," repeated your mother. "Good. Then you will understand. I am sorry, Kikyō-sama."

You heard metal being unsheathed and then footsteps which were stopped prematurely by the snapping of leather. You smelled blood.

"Okāsan!" you screamed, running out from behind the tree, only to have your fears confirmed. The priestess was standing next to your mother's body, looking at you in shock.

"Okāsan?" she echoed. You charged at her recklessly, intending to kill, but this recklessness caused by your emotions led to your downfall. "I am sorry," she said, releasing the string of her bow and arrow. Your entire body was pushed backwards, and you were pinned to a small cherry blossom tree behind you. There was a sharp pang in your stomach which you couldn't identify at first. Your eyes became heavy, and they watched the priestess with unwavering intensity. "You remind me of someone. And because of this I believe there is hope for you yet. I will release you in due time. When I believe you are ready."

The cherry blossoms continued to fall from the tree. It was an event that occurred only once in a long while. Such a beautiful sight, but an evanescent one. Yet they seemed to fall endlessly, for years and years, before you finally closed your eyes, knowing you'd never see the sight again.

You blinked several times, trying to adjust to the bright light. You looked around, surprised to see that the cherry blossom petals were still falling from the trees. Had you only been out for a couple of seconds? You scanned the area, noting that various plants had grown around you at this point. You noticed something that caused your blood to run cold. Your anger was surpassed by confusion when you saw the unmarked grave where your mother's body had been. You knew what it was there for. You just didn't know why. Surely the priestess hadn't done it.

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