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Originally posted in October of 2010 on Quizilla

(character is the brunette)

Name: Izanami

Meaning: female who invites

Life story: 

"Get out of here, freak," one boy said.

"Yeah, nobody wants you here, so just leave," said another.

"But I—," you started. You were interrupted when one of the boys pushed you. You fell to the ground and scraped your knee. Pain shot through your leg, and you looked down at your bleeding wound. You didn't cry, you didn't scream, you didn't fight. You just got up, and walked home. That was when you were five years old. It wasn't anything new, you were used to that kind of treatment. That's what it's like when you're a half-demon; a half cat demon, in this case.

You traveled by yourself for a long time, ever since your parents died when you were seven. You're seductive and ruthless when it comes to battle, although you're seductive outside of battle, too.

One day you traveled into a forest, on the outskirts of a village. You sensed someone nearby, and went towards them out of curiosity. You came upon a tree, and were startled to see that who you had sensed was pinned to a tree by an arrow. Since you were closer, you could now tell that the boy was a half dog demon. 'Someone sealed him to this tree,' you thought. 'The arrow has powers in it, so his youth may have been preserved. Roots are growing around him, so there's no telling how long he could've been here.' You sensed someone coming towards the tree, and so you fled.

Every day for a month you would visit the half-demon. He deeply fascinated you, and you couldn't help but feel attached to him. You would come and think of the countless possibilities, as to how he had been sealed to the tree.

One day you came to the tree, and immediately noticed that the boy was gone. 'But how?' you wondered. 'He was here just yesterday, that's impossible.' You sadly left the area, with no intention of coming back. Little did you know, that if you had really concentrated, you would have been able to smell him in the village nearby.

Time passed, and you forgot about the boy who had been sealed to a tree. You didn't really do much, just traveled, you recall running into a wolf demon named Kōga. You could tell he didn't want to be near a half-demon, so you didn't stay long.

You recall one day walking in the Forest of Inuyasha (although you hadn't known its name), but you didn't realize it at first. You saw a well, and then something strange happened. A human climbed out of the well.

You were quite shocked, you hadn't smelled anyone in the well, it was as if she had just appeared out of nowhere. "You know," you said to her, "it's probably not the best idea to jump into wells."

She jumped out of the well, and had a bright smile on her face as she looked at you. "That's okay, I do it a lot," she assures you.

"Okay... well, that's not normal." You replied. You then looked her up and down, staring at her odd attire. 'Apparently her hobbies aren't the only thing strange about her,' you thought.

Just then you noticed something. The girl wasn't running away, or screaming, she was actually smiling, as if she wanted to talk to you.

You were so preoccupied with the girl, that you didn't sense nor smell that someone was approaching the two of you. "Hey, Kagome!" someone yelled. "You're late! We've been waiting forever!"

Your eyes shot open. You recognized that scent, but you were too afraid to turn around and look. "Geez, Inuyasha, I was just talking to this girl," the girl, whose name was apparently Kagome, explained.

"Are you kidding me? You don't go around talking to people with sharp claws and cat ears!" Inuyasha yelled at her.

You spun around, and your mouth hung agape when you saw the familiar face. It was the boy who had been sealed to the tree. "But you. The tree. Arrow. Sealed. Disappeared. Confused," you blurted out.

The two looked at you strangely, with a look of recognition on their faces. "What do you know?" Inuyasha asked.

Ever since that day, and a lot of explaining, you have been travelling with Inuyasha and his friends. Inuyasha is the only half-demon you've ever met. It felt good to have someone like you nearby, which is why you helped. That and the fact that you couldn't help but feel a little bad for him after figuring out what had happened.

Though one thing you didn't expect, is that you'd fall for Inuyasha. He's courageous, protective, and he understands you.

Abilities: hand-to-hand combat (sharp claws); controls fire

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She doesn't have anything to do with Naraku, so I don't think she has any reason to travel with us. Though it's not like she has anywhere else to go, so I guess it's okay.

Kagome: She sometimes disguises herself when we're in villages, so that she looks human. That's when she flirts with guys. It can be frustrating, but she's not a bad person. She's actually really sweet and funny, but I don't think she likes me a whole lot.

Sango: She's just like Miroku-sama, but she's a woman. At least she has more self-control then that lecher.

Miroku: ^_^"

Miroku: She sometimes reminds me of Inuyasha, with some of the rude remarks she makes.

Shippō: I'm guessing I'm not the only one who sees it, Sango-chan and Kagome-chan are smart enough to figure it out. She is obviously in love with Inuyasha. That's probably why she's not so friendly with Kagome. She doesn't hate Kagome as a person, she's just jealous.
(Me: Because no one can hate Kagome! ^_^)

Kikyō: She hasn't uttered a single word to me. She isn't rather fond of me.

Kaede: She has a good heart.

Myōga: Her personality greatly resembles that of Inuyasha-sama, or at least the hitting me part.

Kōga: Yeah I remember her, I guess she's not that bad.

(Me: You're mostly just saying that because she thinks it's funny when you harass Inuyasha)

Naraku: She seems to hate Kagome, perhaps I can use this to my advantage.

Byakuya: I don't really pay that much attention to her.

Kagura: She sure reminds me a whole lot of Inuyasha.

Kanna: She is weak.

Hakudōshi: She's powerless.

Akago: Her heart is pained.

Mōryōmaru: She's as weak as Inuyasha.

Sesshōmaru: Simply another pathetic half-breed.

Jaken: She's no match for Sesshōmaru-sa—!
(Me: —Yeah, yeah, I've heard it a million times)

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