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Originally posted in January of 2014 on Quizilla

Name: Maria

Meaning: wished-for child

Life story: You haven't always lived in Japan. In fact, you arrived at a very young age. You don't remember much of your past, but you remember the day you ended up in Japan very well. It's something that you will never be able to forget.

You were on the ship with your mother and father, and before you knew it, you'd hit a large rock that had been hidden under the water. The life boats were destroyed, and you were separated from your parents. You held onto a piece of driftwood and let the current pull you in whatever direction it pleased. When you finally reached land you were found by a young woman who appeared to be in her mid-twenties. Concerned for your well-being, she took you home and put you in new clothes.

When her husband, a lower class samurai arrived home, she begged him to let you stay, the two of them having been unable to have a child of their own. Her husband relented and allowed you to stay, and over time your Japanese improved and you grew attached to the couple, beginning to think of them as your own parents, though you will never forget your real parents, as vague as your memories of them may be.

You may not be Japanese, but you were raised as any Japanese girl would have been; as any onna-bugeisha would. You were expected to defend your home, being taught how to fight with a naginata and kaiken. When you reached your early twenties, you were expected to marry, but you couldn't do as your parents wanted. You were Japanese at heart, but first and foremost, you were you.

You ran away from home, leaving only a letter to say your goodbyes to your parents. You will never know how much your mother cried when she read that letter, knowing that it meant she would never see her beloved daughter again.

You didn't really have any idea what it was that you planned on doing after you left, so you just wandered, figuring that you'd think of what to do if and when you happened upon the next village. But then something unexpected happened. A young girl who appeared to be lost in the woods happened upon you. You beckoned her to approach, but she stayed back, not daring to take another step towards you.

"You don't have to be afraid," you assured her.

"I don't trust you," she said firmly.

"Why not?" you asked.

"Because you're a human," she replied.

"So are you," you pointed out.

"I still don't trust humans," she said. "They're worse than any demon [phantom {demon}] could ever be."

"You're probably right," you admitted, much to the young girl's surprise. "Demons just have to worry about survival and power, or so it seems, and they become more powerful through battle and training. Whereas humans find power necessary for survival, and they obtain it through cunning and deceit. They won't hesitate to kill, steal, or force people into doing what they say in order to get what they want."

"You're the only human I've ever heard say that," the young girl said. "If I said that to anyone else they would think I'm crazy or possessed."

"Well, I'm not everyone else," you said nonchalantly.

"What are you doing out here all alone?" she inquired.

"I ran away," you told her. "My parents were going to force me into marriage, and I didn't want to. They just wanted me to get marry for their own benefit, anyway."

"So what are you going to do now?" she asked.

"I'm not sure," you confessed. "I guess I'll just stay on my own. There's no one else I can trust."

The young girl paused for a moment, unsure of whether or not she should say what she had in mind, but finally, she spoke up. "You can come with me," she said, equally as surprised as you were to hear her say that. "You can come with me and Sesshōmaru-sama and Jaken-sama and Ah-Un. They're demon, and they're good to me."

"Would they let me?" you asked, not quite sure why you were even considering this.

"I'm sure they would," said the little girl, "and it might be nice for me to have someone to play with; Jaken-sama never wants to play."

You couldn't help but smile, the emptiness inside of you beginning to be replaced for a warm feeling you hadn't felt in some time. "I'd like that."

Abilities: naginatajutsu; knife fighting

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: I don't know anything about her.

Kagome: She's very quiet, so I don't really know what to think of her.

Sango: I don't know. Something about her just doesn't feel right.

Miroku: It's unfortunate that she is traveling with Sesshōmaru. I would have liked to ask her if she would consider bearing my child.

(Me: I just... I just don't know how to respond to this anymore)

Shippō: She seems a little scary

Kikyō: I know little of this person.

Kaede: I have not met her, but her parents went around to the neighboring villages, including ours, and asked if we had seen her. Her family misses her dearly.

Myōga: I do not believe I know this person.

Kōga: I might have seen her once, but I didn't really make anything of it.

Naraku: I may be able to use her to my advantage.

(Me: I do not like the sound of this...)

Byakuya: I've seen her a couple of times, but not that often.

Kagura: Another one of the humans following Sesshōmaru. She's... quiet.

Kanna: Her soul will never rest.

Hakudōshi: Just another thing to kill.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Even now she refuses to listen to her heart.

Mōryōmaru: A weak human. What of it?

Sesshōmaru: She and Rin seem fond of one another.

Jaken: If I have to put up with one more human...

(Me: You have to put up with me. Does that count?)

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