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Originally posted in December of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Himeko

Meaning: princess child

Life story:

Your father was the lord of a manor, and your mother a beautiful demon. Ashamed for being in love with a demon, and having a half-demon child, your father kept you and your mother in your home at all times, hidden away. You and your mother looked exactly like humans, the only way anyone could tell you and your mother had demon blood was due to your odd hair and eye color.

Your father hired several girls to be your companion, but none of them were willing to get anywhere near you. Until one day a new girl came. Her name was Mari, a young girl with dark brown hair and matching brown orbs. She wasn't afraid to come near you. Mari was the first friend you ever made, and for a long while, was your only friend.

When you were sixteen years old your mother died, and so you and Mari left your father's manor. You loved your father, but you couldn't stand the idea of being cooped up in your home again... especially without your mother.

You and Mari set out, not quite sure where to go. The two of you met many strange humans, demon, and even one half-demon, on your travels. You recall the day you met the half-demon quite vividly. It was, of course, the first time you'd ever met a half-demon.

Mari and you had been walking in the woods, searching for a nearby village for you to retire in. You'd heard someone mumbling, not far away. 

"Stupid Inuyasha, I can't believe him. He's such a jerk."

You spotted a young girl through the brush, a year or so younger than you, and so you and Mari approached her.

"Excuse me, are you all right, Miss?" you asked, walking over toward her, only to trip on a branch.

Mari helped you up, and the girl replied, "I'm fine; just a bit mad. Are you okay?"

"Yes, thanks," you replied, somewhat intrigued that the girl wasn't frightened by you. "What happened?"

"Did you get into a fight with a friend of yours?" Mari asked.

"Yeah..." the girl replied.

"Well you should go back to them," Mari suggested. "Don't let one silly fight ruin your friendship."

The girl sighed, giving in, and said, "I guess you're right. I'll go back to Inuyasha. By the way, my name's Kagome, what's yours?"

"Mari," said your friend.

"And I'm Himeko," you added.

The three of you walked back to the spot where she had last seen her friends, only to find that no one was there.

"I can't believe they left!" Kagome cried.

"I can sense some demon nearby, and what feels like a half-demon," you informed her. "They seem to be fighting. Could those be your friends?"

"Yeah, probably," she said. "Can you take me to them?"

"Sure," you said, now understanding why the girl hadn't been afraid of you.

Kagome, Mari, and you eventually found her friends. They'd just finished a battle, and a demon was flying away on a feather.

"Inuyasha, you idiot!" Kagome yelled. "Why the heck did you leave?"

"Well you left, and then Kagura showed up right after! She lured us over here," explained the half-demon.

Kagome and her friends thanked the two of you and you and Mari went on your way.

You and Mari have continued to travel with each other, but sometimes you tag along with Inuyasha and his friends, or an wolf demon, named Kōga, to whom you and Mari seem to have taken a liking.

Abilities: swordsmanship

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She's not that bad, but I wonder how she's not been killed yet, considering how clumsy she is.

Kagome: She and Mari-chan are both very sweet girls. Himeko-chan seems very protective of Mari-chan.

Sango: She seems rather kind, and it's good that she's serious.

Miroku: A charming young woman.

Shippō: She's nice, but she's really serious.

Kikyō: I know little of her.

Kaede: I may have seen her once or twice, but I don't know anything about her, aside from her name that is.

Kōga: She's not that bad; I let her travel with us sometimes, mostly because Kagome seems to like her.

Naraku: Quite a nuisance when she's with Inuyasha, though she can be killed easily.

Byakuya: I hardly know a thing about her.

Kagura: I only got a glance of her.

Kanna: She sometimes travels with Inuyasha.

Hakudōshi: She's weak.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): I know nothing of her.

Mōryōmaru: Who?

Sesshōmaru: I couldn't care less about her.

Jaken: Why are you asking me about a pathetic half-demon?!

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