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Originally posted in November of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Michi

Meaning: pathway

Life story:

"Ouch!" you cried as a large pebble made contact with your skull. You turned around to see some boys several years older than you, one of them wearing a malicious grin on his face.

"What was that for?" you asked.

"For being a half-breed," the boy taunted. "Now get out of here."

"Screw you!" you shouted, despite the fact they were older and stronger than you. You were always the bold type.

The boy scowled at you, and picked up another stone, the other boys following his lead, and pulled back his arm.

You made a run for it before the boy could hurt you again, holding your hand to your throbbing head.

Nothing new, well, getting stoned was, but the general harassment was a norm. You were a half-breed, after all, even though you looked like a human. That happened several years ago, as you recall.

After your mother died, you left your father, and went off on your own. You usually travel by yourself, but there have been occasions where you traveled with others.

You recall running into your half-sister, a fox demon named Kin. You aren't exactly friends, but you don't hate each other either. Basically, you just put up with each other.

You ran into others as well. For instance, Inuyasha and his friends.

"What the hell! What kind of freaking demon is this?!" you shouted. "Why won't you die?!"

You were in the middle of fighting a rather annoying demon. Some villagers had been having trouble with it lately, and were so desperate, they offered to pay you, a half-breed, if you killed it. You had used your claws, your sword (which almost broke in the process) and your whip to try and break through the hard shell of the demon, but had failed miserably.

After a couple of minutes, an half dog demon ran up next to you, and drew out his sword.

"I already tried that," you had told him, but he paid no attention to you.

"Wind Scar!" he shouted, and a large gust of wind cracked the shell of the demon, leaving him vulnerable.

"What, the hell?!" you shouted. "I swung my sword at it in a failed attempt, like, seven hundred times! That is just not fair."

"Maybe I'm just stronger than you," the half-demon said with a grin.

"No way; I totally weakened it for you!" you defended.

"Um, excuse me, but, the demon is dead now," you heard a man say.

You looked up to see a monk, a demon, and an oddly dressed woman. You had ended up sharing the money, and the three of you shared a lodging, which the villagers had agreed to give you as part of the reward. After getting to know them for a while, you decided to tag along with the four of them for a while.

After being attacked by a human named Sango, you learned it was a complete misunderstanding, and that she had been tricked. You stayed to help watch her for a while, and couldn't help but dislike her. When she stole the Tessaiga, your hatred for her was definite.

You saw Inuyasha and his friends several times more, Ironically, during most of those times Sango ran into her brother, Kohaku. You couldn't help but dislike her. All she did was complain, and do irrational, selfish things. Did she seriously think she was the only one with problems? There were probably people who had it a whole lot worse than her. That is around the time you permanently stopped travelling with Inuyasha and his friends.

You've traveled with others, too. wolf demon, and a group called the Band of Seven. You got along with their leader, Bankotsu, quite well. Even when Inuyasha came around and started fighting them, you wouldn't get involved, you decided to remain neutral.

You continue to wander, going wherever you feel like.

Abilities: swordsmanship (Demon Sword that controls water); hand-to-hand combat (sharp, claw-like nails); whip

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She can be stubborn, but she's okay... I so killed that demon.

Kagome: She's really sweet, if she likes you, at least.

Sango: She's rude, sarcastic, and a snob.

Miroku: A pleasant woman, well, to everyone but Sango-san at least. Though I'm shocked that she simply stood by and watched as we battled the Band of Seven.

Shippō: I like her.

Kikyō: I have not met this person.

Kaede: I do not know who it is you are speaking of.

Myōga: I don't believe I've met her.

Kōga: Michi? Yeah, she's traveled with us a couple of times. She's not that bad.

Naraku: I offered her a job, but she turned me down. No matter, I was only going to end up killing her anyway.

Byakuya: I've seen her with Inuyasha a couple of times.

Kagura: I couldn't care less who you're talking about.

Kanna: She is too carefree.

Hakudōshi: She's proven to be a nuisance.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): I do not know her.

Mōryōmaru: Who?

Sesshōmaru: I have seen her. I know her sister.

Jaken: What Sesshōmaru-sama said!
(Me: Why do I even add you in?)

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