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Originally posted in July of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Rui

Meaning: affectionate

Life story:

You grew up in an typical human village, though you weren't a typical human. You had always been much more adventurous than your peers. Though your best friend, Jin, seemed to share your love of adventure, and you two would always explore. Jin was a year older than you and lived in a nearby village, your parents had been friends for a while. When you were six years old you began to learn how to wield a scythe, which had been an heirloom in your family for generations.

One day, when you were eleven years old, you and Jin were wandering in the woods. You heard a rustling in the bushes, and put your hand on your scythe, while she reached for her twin blades. Out of the brush stepped a fox demon. You gasped when you saw he was bleeding. He had cuts on his arms, and his hand was covering a wound on his back. He then collapsed.

"Jin, we need to help him," you said.

Jin stared at you, eyes wide for a moment, and then she nodded. "I'll go get some medical supplies," she stated. "He may be a demon, but those wounds are bad, even for him," she then ran off.

You kneeled down next to the demon and examined him. He looked like he had been slashed with weapons, and he had a large wound on his back that looked like a mark from a spear.

'Why would anyone do this to him?' you wondered, 'Was he hurting people?' You put your hand on your scythe, prepared to fight if need be.

The boy then began to move. When he opened his eyes and noticed you, he jumped back, and put his hand on his sheathe, but then fell down in pain.

You frowned, and walked toward him. "Listen, your hurt, just lay down. My friend is coming back to help," you explained.

The boy looked mad. "I don't need your help. What are you thinking anyway, girl? Helping me out like this. I could kill you," he said.

"In your condition? I highly doubt that," you said.

"Rui! I'm back!" called Jin, stepping through the brush. Her eyes wandered to the fox demon. "You're awake," she said.

"No really? I thought he was still unconscious," you said.

Jin glared at you for a moment (she wasn't a big fan of your sarcasm), and walked toward the fox demon. She put some herbs on his wound, he backed away at first, but then allowed her to do so.

"What's your name?" Jin asked the boy.

He was silent for a moment, and then said, "Ryō."

"Who did this to you?"

"Some villagers," he answered.

You raised an eyebrow, and were about to ask how a bunch of villagers were able to do so much damage to him, but you decided to leave the questions to Jin; you weren't very good with talking to strangers.

"But a bunch of demon got me first," he quickly added to make sure he didn't weak.

"Wait, you were attacked by demon, and humans? What did you do to them?" Jin asked, puzzled by this.

The boy looked a little hesitant, but then said, "Nothing. I'm a half-demon."

Jin looked rather ticked. "So?" she said, "I don't see how that makes a difference."

Ryō looked at her strangely, "Well it does. How come you two are even helping me?"

Jin tore some bandage, "We don't care if your human, demon or whatever."

You stared up at the sky. "We won't leave someone to die if we can help them," you said in a small voice.

For the next two years, you and Jin would sneak into the woods and visit Ryō, which he was surprisingly okay with.

"I wouldn't like to be alone all the time either," Jin replied as you pondered on this once.

One day your mother got very sick, and she died a month later. That is when you decided to fulfill your dream. You left your father, and went traveling with Jin. After asking Ryō (and some convincing from Jin), he decided to come, too.

The day you set out to go you met Ryō and Jin in the woods. "Hey Ryō! Hey Ji-" you stopped your greeting midway when you realized Jin was nowhere in sight. "Ryō, where's Jin? She usually gets here early."

Ryō's calm face was quickly replaced with one filled with concern. "She's not with you?" he asked.

"No," you said, beginning to feel nervous. Ryō sniffed the air, and he looked at you, dead serious, as he said, "I smell human blood, and a lot of it." You hopped on Ryō's back, since you weren't as fast as him, and he began running to Jin's village.

Jin's village had been destroyed by a demon. She was the sole survivor. The three of you tracked down the beast, and when you found it, you saw that it was already in the middle of fighting an dog demon. Ryō was about to jump in and help, but the dog demon defeated his opponent with a swing of his sword.

You learned from Ryō that the dog demon was in fact a half-demon. You talked to the half-demon, whose name was Inuyasha, and his friends. You soon went your separate ways. You later ran into an dog demon who looked somewhat similar to Inuyasha. His name was Sesshōmaru, and you did not stay with him long, because in his search for a demon named Naraku, he crossed paths with Inuyasha. You paid your respects and departed.

You continue to travel with your friends, looking for adventure wherever you may find it.

Abilities: wields scythe

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: I didn't really talk to her that much. She's not that bad, though. I'm surprised she and her friend decided to travel with a half-demon, though also kind of glad.

Kagome: She seemed really sweet.

Sango: She kind of reminds me of Kagome.

Miroku: She was rather attractive.
Sango: *hits him in head with Hiraikotsu*
(Me: Ouch)

Shippō: She was really nice to me.

Kikyō: I do not know her.

Kaede: I believe she may have traveled through the village once, though she did not stay long.

Myōga: I do not know her.

Kōga: Yeah I met her once. A bit before I met Kagome.

(Me: *mumbles* Yeah, but you tried to eat her)

Naraku: I know nothing of her.

Byakuya: I don't recall meeting her.

Kagura: Who?

Kanna: I do not know her.

Hakudōshi: I haven't met her.

Akago: I don't know who you are talking about.

Mōryōmaru: I don't know her.

Sesshōmaru: I met her for a brief period. Rin seemed rather fond of her.

Jaken: She didn't seem that bad, for a pathetic human.
(Me: Was that supposed to be a compliment?)

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