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Originally posted in September of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Isamu

Meaning: vigorous

Life story:

You were an innocent child who grew up in a small village. One day a demon slayer came to your village to slay a demon that had been terrorizing the people for a while. He came to you, followed by two red dragons. One looked fully grown, while the other was a mere infant. While the slayer had been in the village, he had taken a liking to you, and so he gave you the baby, female demon. You named her, Bara, and you would play with her all the time.

One day, when you were a little girl, you lost Bara and went looking for her in the woods. You couldn't find her; instead, you happened upon a dog demon.

He had long flowing white hair, a crescent moon on his forehead, and had a beautiful sword in his sheath. You looked at him, and your curiosity got the better of you. You followed him, and made sure to hide in the brush.

About five minutes later, the man asked, "How long do you intend on following me?" he wasn't looking at you, but you knew he was asking you.

"I-I," you stammered, "I lost my friend, a dragon. I was wondering... have you seen her?" Your answer was half true; you didn't think he had seen Bara, but you had been looking for her.

"No," he answered in a monotone voice, and then he walked away. The whole time he hadn't even bothered to steal a glance at you.

At the age of fourteen, your village was destroyed by a demon. The beast was coming towards you, and you prepared yourself for the worst. Suddenly, out of nowhere, an odd group of six came out and killed the demon.

"Are you all right, miss?" asked the monk as he helped you get up.

"All the others... they're dead," you replied, looking at the ground. You were badly wounded, your clothes were torn, and you were filthy. You then collapsed onto your knees. The kind people helped you and healed you. After that, you decided to travel with them.

A while later, you confronted a dog demon who looked somewhat like Inuyasha. He had been with a red dragon, along with a green, two-headed dragon. As Inuyasha and the demon, whose name was Sesshōmaru, were doing whatever it was they were doing (you weren't really paying attention), you took a close look at the red dragon, and then you remembered.

"Bara!" you said, and then ran to hug your old friend.

Your friends were all looking at you as if you had gone insane, since they didn't know what the heck was going on, but then they focused their attention back on Inuyasha and Sesshōmaru. Sesshōmaru walked towards Bara, and walked away with her. You took a few steps towards him as he walked away, but then stopped, hesitant if you should follow or not.

"Are you coming or not?" Sesshōmaru asked, not bothering to turn around and look at you. You turned around towards Inuyasha and the others, slightly smiling, and then waved, as you walked towards Sesshōmaru, leaving behind your friends, who now had dumbfound expressions on their faces.

You've been with Sesshōmaru for a while now, and have gotten to know Rin and Jaken quite well. You don't know why, but there's just something about Sesshōmaru. Something that draws you towards him; something that makes you love him.

Abilities: archery

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: It doesn't matter that she left, she didn't have any business with Naraku in the first place. Anyway, she was way too annoying.

Kagome: We've seen her several other times. She's kind of like Rin, she isn't bad or anything, she wants to keep following Sesshōmaru.

Sango: I could relate to her, since her village was destroyed by a demon. She seemed nice.

Miroku: She didn't stay with us a very long time. We didn't really get to know her that well.

Shippō: She was fun to play with.

Kikyō: I know little of her.

Kaede: I don't know much about her.

Myōga: I don't believe I know anyone by that name.

Kōga: Who?

Naraku: I remember her. She was kidnapped with Rin. Even armed, she's weak.

Byakuya: She's one of the children who travels with Sesshōmaru, if I'm not mistaken.

Kagura: I hardly know anything about her.

Kanna: Her soul is at ease.

Hakudōshi: She's not important.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Her heart yearns to be loved.

Mōryōmaru: I've only got a couple of glimpses at her.

Sesshōmaru: She seems to get along well with Rin.

Jaken: That little brat! If she makes one more rude comment about me, I swear she'll regret it.
(Me: Haha, that's a good one)
Jaken: -_-

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