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Originally posted in June of 2012 on Quizilla

Name: Azumi

Meaning: safe residence

Life story: 

Your father was a cat demon, and your mother a human. Growing up a half-demon wasn't easy, but you were fine. You had your mother, the most important—and only—person in your life.

Then they took her away from you. You were eleven, and the villagers had had enough of you. They planned on coming to your house to kill you, and when your mother heard of this, she told you to flee. You were gone by the time the villagers arrived, and your mother refused to give away your location. She had been the one who brought you—the half-breed—into the world, so they settled for her instead.

After that you trained. You trained non-stop, hoping to one day avenge your mother.

Then you met him.

"I have an offer."

Your ears perked, having not sensed nor heard anyone approaching.

"What kind of offer?" you asked, turning to face the speaker.

Your eyes widened when you saw a demon holding a shard of the Shikon Jewel between his thumb and middle figure.

"I can give this to you," he said, "as well as this." he held up a large chunk of the jewel.

"Why the hell would you give me those? What am I supposed to do with them?"

"Get revenge," said the demon. "Unless you plan on letting the humans who killed your mother walk away freely, that is.

"And you could always find the rest of the shards," he said. "Once the Jewel of Four Souls is whole again.."

"...It can grant a wish," you said, remembering the legends of it you had learned from your mother. Your mother. With the Jewel of Four Souls, you could wish her back. With the Jewel of Four Souls, you could kill the bastards who took her away from you.

"Then hand them over," you said.

"Of course," said the demon. "But I cannot be sure of your capabilities yet. Take the one shard, and do with it what you must. When the deed has been completed and I am confident in your abilities, then I will give you the rest of what I have of the Shikon Jewel."

"And I will," you assured him, "but why are you letting me do this? Why help me?"

"I'm a friend of your father," he explained.

Your eyes lit up at this, and you nodded furiously, a small smile appearing on your face. Had your father sent him?

"Now take this and go," he said, tossing you the one jewel shard.

So you left. You headed back to the very village that had shunned you your whole life. The very village that had tried so hard to destroy you, but instead had to settle with destroying an important piece of you. You headed back to the village to do the very same thing to them that they had done to your mother and you.

Things didn't go as you had imagined.

Surprisingly enough, the villagers didn't seem to take much notice of you when you arrived. They must have not recognized you, but they soon would.

Still, despite the fact that you obviously had demon blood in you, most only spared you a glance or two. For, as you would soon find out, you weren't the only one with demon blood in the village.

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