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Originally posted in November of 2013 on Quizilla

Name: Hedvig

Meaning: contending war

Life Story: Your people were once large in number, prosperous and respected by many, but with the spread of Christianity, your numbers have begun to dwindle, your kinsmen being converted and the Church labeling you witches and devil worshipers. However, you were no such thing; a devil worshiper was just anyone who didn't share the same beliefs as the Church, or so it seemed, and you and your people have remained faithful to your gods and your customs.

The rapid spread of Christianization had brought hardship to other witches as well, and your people began fighting with another coven. The two covens were both desperate for refuge away from the Christians, but there was not enough room for the both of you. War began.

You can't say for sure how long it went on; weeks, months, maybe even years. It certainly felt like it had been years. Then one day, during a battle with the other witches, things went amiss. You were interrupted while in the middle of casting a spell, and the effects of interrupting a Nordic witch while they're casting are often disastrous.

In a flash of light you found yourself blinded, your vision coming back once the lights had died down. You looked from left to right, baffled at the foreign surroundings and dumbstruck as to where you were.

"What in the world happened?" you wondered aloud.

"Hmmmmmmmmm?" came a voice. "A human suddenly appears in my domain out of nowhere? What a strange tongue you speak in, and your clothing is not of this place.

"You've peaked my curiosity, human; you should count yourself lucky."

You turned your head to the direction where the voice was coming from, and noticed some strange sort of creature lying in the middle of a lake. It was roughly the size of a child, and almost human-like in form. Almost; the creature appeared to be more reptilian than human. Green scales covered its body, it had webbed hands and feet, and smelled like fish. The creature swam towards the edge of the water, looking you up and down out of curiosity.

"Where are you from, human?" the creature inquired.

"Sverige." This earned you a confused stare. "Sweden," you corrected yourself, unsure of how you knew of this word not of your native tongue, uncertain in origin.

"Sweden?" the creature repeated. "Where is that? Europe? My oh my, you're certainly far from home."

"Where am I," you asked, "and what are you?"

"I see they don't teach manners in your land," the creature harrumphed. "I am a kappa; one of many, and you are in Japan. Asia."

"Asia!" you echoed in disbelief.

"Many interesting things happening lately," the kappa noted. "First the Jewel of Four Souls returns, and now this."

"What is the Jewel of Four Souls?" you inquired.

"A gem able to grant one wish and give the holder immense power, but it has shattered into many pieces all across Japan. 

"Now tell me human, what do you plan on doing now? Hitching a ride from a kijimuna across the ocean?" The kappa laughed at its joke.

You put your hand on your hip, and held back a sigh when you found that your distaff was not there. You had no other way to fly back.

"What are the odds I can actually do that?" you asked.

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