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(character is the blonde)

Name: Ko

Meaning: child

Life story:

Your mother was a ruthless cat demon, and your father was an average human. You lived the not-so average life of a half-demon, being ridiculed and harassed.

One day, you came home, to see your father's dead body sprawled on the floor, above him stood your mother, with a twisted blood thirsty look on her face, and her hands soaked in your father's blood.

"Okāsan, you killed him!" you shouted.

Your mother turned around to stare at you. "He was a weak human, it doesn't matter."

"But he was—" you began.

"—Silence!" your mother demanded. "You shall not talk back to me. I am older, wiser and better than you."

The next thing you knew, something happened. Something you never would have expected. That day, you killed your mother. You have walked with that burden for years, learning to accept it, and to hide it.

You'd heard stories of the Jewel of Four Souls, which could give anyone ultimate power, and that it had shattered, and that the pieces were everywhere. You planned to go after the shards, and to eventually collect the whole jewel. You know by now that you can't use it to become a full demon, but you wonder: if you could, would you?

One day you came upon five travelers. It was quite an odd group. There was a young fox demon, a strangely dressed priestess, a monk, a demon slayer, and a dog demon. He was the first half-demon you had ever met. You decided to camp out with the three, and, to Kagome's surprise, there were no objections from Inuyasha.

You became fond of the group, and they said it was okay if you joined them. Inuyasha acted different toward you, he seemed to understand you, and relate to you. You eventually found yourself falling for him. Though you knew about Kagome and Kikyō, and how he felt for them. You saw the way he looked at Kagome when she wasn't looking.

You don't hate Inuyasha, or Kagome. You hope that one day, you might be able to find your place in the world, and maybe that means staying the way you are. 

Abilities: knife fighting; hand-to-hand combat (claws); uses whip

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She's... not that bad. I can understand her, that's for sure.

Kagome: She's a whole lot like Inuyasha, not just because she's a half-demon, but their personalities are a lot alike, too. It seems like she's learned to accept herself more since we first met.

Sango: She seems to have Inuyasha's short temper, but I've noticed she's the only one whose past we don't know about. We know her parents are dead, though we have no clue how.

Miroku: She seems to avoid the topic of her family, her mother in particular. It seems like she's hiding something.

Shippō: I can tell she has feeling for Inuyasha, and Sango, Miroku, and Kagome can tell, too. Heck, the only one who can't is Inuyasha, he's so dense. *sigh* It's a whole lot worse than a love triangle, I can tell you that. Though Ko means well; she's nice. Although she's got a bad temper, she doesn't give me noogies like Inuyasha does.

Kikyō: I don't know much about her.

Kaede: I have met her several times. She is quite similar to Inuyasha.

Myōga: I have heard things of her and her family... I'm hoping it is just rumors, if it is true, it could be serious, and I may have to inform Inuyasha-sama.

Kōga: The blonde cat girl? I think I actually met her before I met Kagome and the mutt, she'd heard about my jewel shards and tried to take them from me. She didn't have a chance.

(Me: You only won 'cause you had jewel shards. Without them the girl would've kicked your ass)

Kōga: *gives death glare*

Naraku: I already have a plan to deal with her.

Byakuya: I wonder how Inuyasha's going to react when he finds out the truth.

Kagura: It seems Naraku's been planning to do something about her, but I'm not quite sure what. It seems Naraku wants to lessen the number of people on Inuyasha's side, that'll make it easier for him.

Kanna: Her past will come back to haunt her.

Hakudōshi: Inuyasha's reaction when he finds out Ko's little secret will be priceless.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): She hides the jealousy in her heart.

Mōryōmaru: I don't know much about her, except that she's a half-breed.

Sesshōmaru: Why would I know anything about that half-breed?

Jaken: Her power's are no match for Sesshōmaru-sama!

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