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Originally posted in July of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Haya

Meaning: quick

Life Story:

You lived the normal life of a fox demon, though you didn't share the same blood thirsty habit or urge for power as others did. One day your mother called you worthless, and so you wandered into the woods, to find a group of bandits sitting at their campfire. Your fury was consuming you, and suddenly, you saw only red, and then nothing.

When you came to, you were kneeling over a dead body, blood all over your hands, the blood of a human. You looked around, to see countless dead bodies around you. Your eyes wandered to a man trembling near a tree. When he realized you had your eyes on him, he stood up and ran away screaming. You then realized what had happened, you had killed the bandits. You cried a little, then washed your hands in a river, but it didn't completely get rid of the scent of blood on your hands.

You then headed back to your parents, but when you found them, they were dead. You ran and looked around to see the other fox demon were all dead to. You crashed to your knees, and burst out in tears.

"Haya," you heard a voice say.

Your head shot up, and you looked for the source of the noise. You saw an old fox demon you had grown up living near.

"Wh-what happened?" you managed to choke out. "A demon, a large demon came; he was too powerful, there was, nothing, we could do," the man then closed his eyes, for the last time.

You swore then to kill any blood thirsty demon you found. You later learned that whenever you were angry, you would go into a blind rage and kill everything in sight.

"I will not be like them. I will not harm an innocent," you told yourself. For several months you would save villages from evil demon, and would sometimes stay in a village for a while, if the villagers trusted you enough. Every now and then you would travel with demon, but mostly you traveled alone.

One day, after you had gone through another psychopathic rage, an dog demon rushed over to you. 'Wait, he's not a demon. His blood, it smells of a half-demon,' you thought.

"I thought I smelled blood," said the half-demon. "You wiped out all these humans, that's disgusting. You're just another blood thirsty demon."

"Shut up!" you yelled, "don't compare me to them!" Your vision began to go red, but you held your head, and managed to keep your fury inside.

You noticed the half-demon was traveling with a young fox demon, you could tell the young fox was heartbroken, thinking one of his own kind would do such a thing.

"Inuyasha," said the monk he was travelling with, "her aura; it seems strong, but not necessarily evil."

"What?" said the half-demon, whose name was apparently Inuyasha, "but she wiped out all of these people!"

"For a long time," you began, "whenever I have become angered, something would take over me, and I would kill anyone around me.

"Then I would come back; I'd have no memory of the killing. The only proof I ever get is the dead bodies, and the blood on my hands." A tear fell down you cheek.

Inuyasha's features began to soften, his face was no longer filled with rage and disgust, but pity and understanding. The five introduced themselves, and Inuyasha explained that in the past, he too, had something similar happen to him.

You then traveled with Inuyasha and friends, and grew close to them, especially Shippō. One day, while in a fight with a human by the name of Jakotsu and an wolf demon came. You had an advantage against the man's sword with your weapon, but he managed to get away. In the end, you found out the wolf demon's name was Kōga, and apparently he had a thing for Kagome.

You had decided you'd overstayed your welcome with your friends, and told them you planned on leaving. Although they insisted you stayed, you told them you had to go, you each had different missions, theirs was to destroy Naraku, and yours was to protect the innocent. You bid them farewell, and departed.

When you left you met many people, and at one point, you met Kōga again, and traveled with him for a while, though you didn't see your former friends. You are currently travelling by yourself again, and doing your best to complete your mission.

Abilities: wield scythe called Kitsune; brute strength; speed; Foxfire; transformation

What they think of you: 

Inuyasha: I can understand what it's like with the killing, but she's got it so much worse, and has to be really careful not to get angry... but that idiot didn't have to leave. She could have stayed; she could have helped us.

Kagome: At first she was really shy and seemed like a total jerk, but that's just because her past must make it hard for her to trust people. After a while she warmed up to us.

Sango: I understand why she left, she had no business with Naraku, this wasn't what she wanted to accomplish. Although I know she wishes Naraku should be stopped, she told me that we could do it without her.

Miroku: Inuyasha and Shippō didn't seem to take her departure that well. Not that Inuyasha would admit it, but he, like all of us, wished for her to say.

Shippō: It was really nice to be with another fox demon for a while. I really didn't want her to leave.

Kikyō: I believe I met her once when she was travelling alone. She seemed rather lost, not quite sure where she belonged in life.

Kaede: I don't believe I've met her.

Myōga: I met her once on my travels, she came off quite cold. I have heard of the any fox demon who were slaughtered by a single demon. It was quite devastating.

Kōga: Yeah, she isn't that bad once you get to know her.

Naraku: Her fighting skills are quite good, luckily she left Inuyasha and his friends.

Byakuya: Don't know her.

Kagura: I haven't met her. She came and left while the Band of Seven were battling it out with Inuyasha.

Kanna: I have shown Naraku images of her in my mirror.

Hakudōshi: I don't know her.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): I haven't met her.

Mōryōmaru: I don't know who you're talking about.

Sesshōmaru: I've only met her once, she didn't talk.

Jaken: I did not get the chance to meet her.

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