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Originally posted in January of 2014 on Quizilla

Name: Aiko

Meaning: child of love

Life story: You were fairly young when your parents died, but old enough to take on the responsibility of raising your younger sister. It wasn't all that hard, though. She was a stubborn little thing, determined to take care of herself and take whatever challenge presents itself head on.

And then you met him. He was a phoenix like yourself, and you ended up falling in love with him. Love. It wasn't all that unusual for a demon to love, but not common, either. Most mated to keep peace between tribes or to have more powerful offspring through breeding., but you did so because you loved him.

Then the Jewel of Four Souls shattered. Then he found a fragment. Then Naraku came.

Then you lost him.

And now you have sworn to get your revenge. All you have left of your late love, Hideaki, is his bird demon companion who is now traveling with you and Hideaki's unborn child you are carrying. Not that anyone knows this, though.

But they do know you want revenge, your sister Kotori and the bird demon Arata, that is, and they will be their with you when you finally get it. Revenge is only a part of it though; when the Shikon Jewel has been completed, you will wish for your love back, but you are well aware that you are not the only one seeking to retrieve the Jewel of Four Souls.

Though you and Naraku aren't the only ones after the jewel. You met many demons, and even humans, who were after the jewel, wanting either power or to have their greatest wish granted. You also met a half-demon who was travelling with a group of humans and demon who was after the Shikon Jewel, and even tried to take your jewel shards. His name was Inuyasha, he was half dog demon and half human. He and Kotori had gotten into an altercation when you first ran into him.

"We don't have any jewel shards, you stupid half-breed!" Kotori shouted after Inuyasha had confronted the three of you.

"That's a load of crap," said Inuyasha, "I know you have them."

"If you keep yapping then the only thing you're going to get is your ass kicked!" Kotori told him.

"I'd like to see you try!" said Inuyasha.

"Kotori, calm down," you warned your sister.

"Come on, Oniichan, this idiot started it!"

"What did you call me, you brat?" Inuyasha snapped.

"Inuyasha, stop it!" one of the humans scolded.

"Stay out of this, Kagome," said Inuyasha.

"Sit, boy!" shouted Kagome. Immediately after saying this Inuyasha face planted into the ground.

"Can you teach me that?" you asked Kagome. "I'd like to be able to do that to my sister."


"Unfortunately, it only works on Inuyasha, when I tell him to sit." Inuyasha face planted into the ground again right after he got up.


"Oops, sorry!" Kagome apologized.

"Kagome-chan, what about the jewel shards?" said another human woman.

"Oh, right," said Kagome, remembering why the fight had started in the first place. "Umm, you see, we are trying to collect jewel shards."

"You and everyone else," you noted.

"Hush, let the human talk, Aiko," said Arata.

"I can tell that you and your sister both have Shikon no Tama shards in your wings," said Kagome.

"Well I can't imagine where this is going," you said sarcastically.

"We are after a powerful demon named Naraku," said the monk {monk} who was in the group. "He is after the jewel shards in order to reform the jewel. He is very dangerous, and we must prevent the jewel from falling into his hands."

"I know Naraku," you said. "He killed Hideaki. You're friend is correct in presuming that my sister and I possess jewel shards.

"We are doing the same thing as you, more or less. I want to get the power to defeat him."

"Jewel shards bring nothing but trouble," the human Sango warned you.

"I'm no stranger to trouble," you said with a smile, "as I'm sure applies to you all as well."

"I'm not letting you leave with those jewel shards," said Inuyasha, unsheathing his sword.

"I'm afraid you don't have a say in that." You looked at your sister. "Kotori."

Kotori nodded, understanding what you meant. You spread your wings and flew off, the jewel shards allowing you to fly faster than you ever had before.

"Can we go after her?" Kagome asked.

"Sorry, Kagome," Sango apologized. "There's no way Kirara can fly that fast."

"Sucks to be you," Kotori said, sticking out her tongue. "Come on, Arata!" She grabbed the bird demon by the hand, launching into the sky and dragging him along with her.

The three of you continue to search for shards of the Shikon Jewel so that you can defeat Naraku and bring back Hideaki. You do this for both yourself, and your unborn child.

Abilities: swordsmanship; control of fire; flight

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She isn't as bad as her sister. Though that's not saying much.

Kagome: She doesn't seem like a bad person.

Sango: If we're going to get the jewel shards from her sister and her, then that is going to be difficult. It's like with Kōga. They're too fast.

Miroku: At least she doesn't have ill intentions.

Shippō: I don't know a lot about her.

Kikyō: No one after the Shikon Jewel has good intentions, no matter how much they tell themselves otherwise.

Kaede: I do not know of her.

Myōga: I am familiar with the name, though I know little of her.

Kōga: She's not that tough.

Naraku: I will have her jewel shards, and she will end up just like her lover.

Byakuya: I don't know her.

Kagura: Naraku's sent me after her and her sister a couple of times. I can never catch up with her when she flies away, though.

Kanna: Her soul is weary.

Hakudōshi: I'll rip off her wings and keep them.

(Me: That's a nice sentiment)

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Her heart is in pieces.

Mōryōmaru: Always flying away. The coward.

Sesshōmaru: Only the weak seek out jewel shards for power.

Jaken: She is weak, and no match for Sesshōmaru-sama!

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