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Originally posted in August of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Misao

Meaning: loyalty

Life story:

You are an wolf demon, and belonged to a pack of female wolves; you were the strongest. One day your pack's leader instructed you to help another tribe deal with some demon called, the Birds of Paradise. You met the leader or the pack, an wolf demon named Kōga, and stayed a long while trying to help get rid of the Birds of Paradise.

Eventually Kōga brings back a small raccoon-dog (who turned out to actually be a fox demon) and a human girl. It was later discovered that the girl could in fact sense the presence of Jewel of Four Souls shards, and so Kōga decided to wed her so that she could help them defeat the leader of the Birds of Paradise.

In the end, they defeated the Bird of Paradise that had the sacred shard, and so the Birds of Paradise were no longer a problem. You then decided to ask if you could join the priestess's party.

"You want to travel with us?" she said.

"Yes, please," you assured her with a smile.

"But why would you want to do that?"

"Please, Nēsama?" you begged.

"Only if you promise not to call me that anymore," she said in defeat.

"Yay! Deal," you agreed.

After an argument from Inuyasha and several "sits", you were allowed to join the group.

At first you wanted to tag along for fun, but when an Wolf Tribe was murdered, you planned to seek vengeance on Kagura and Naraku.

You've seen Kōga several times since, and you always scold Inuyasha whenever he speaks badly of him.

Abilities: hand-to-hand combat (usually claws); duel wielding

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She's okay, but she's way too defensive about Kōga.

Kagome: She's nice, but can be a little too touchy.

Sango: It's a good thing she's on our side. I wouldn't want to have to fight her.

Miroku: She's rather loyal to her friends.

Shippō: She's crazy. But a good crazy... most of the time.

Kikyō: We haven't talked very much.

Kaede: She's quite energetic.

Myōga: I haven't talked to her very much.

Kōga: I got to admit, Misao did help a lot with the Birds of Paradise.

Naraku: Another pathetic wolf demon seeking revenge.

Byakuya: She seems to be an acquaintance of Kōga's.

Kagura: I didn't do anything wrong. I either killed the wolves, or died, and I had no intention of dying.

Kanna: She is determined, and so her soul is strong.

Hakudōshi: Hardly a worthy opponent.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Her heart has been corrupted with revenge. This is not the first time she's killed for vengeance.

Mōryōmaru: Inuyasha, another wolf demon, and her managed to reopen my wound from my battle with Sesshōmaru.

Sesshōmaru: If she had any talent she wouldn't need help from a half-breed.
(Me: Burn)

Jaken: I completely agree with Sesshōmaru-sama.

(Me: Shocker)

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