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Originally posted in August of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Michi

Meaning: righteous way

Life story:

Your parents were both powerful wolf demon. You were to travel with a pack of wolf demon that were the same gender as you, as all wolf demon do. While battling a demon, you witnessed your mother get killed. You tried to stay with the other wolf demon after that, but you weren't like the other wolf demon. You wouldn't eat humans, and would only fight when necessary. You were kicked out of your tribe at a young age, and have been travelling alone since.

You had often wondered if they were right, if you were a disgrace, but one day you met an dog demon. You recognized him immediately, for he was known throughout all of Japan. He was the Great Dog Demon. He had taken notice of you, and the two of you began to talk.

"You are not like other demon, are you?" You shook your head. "There is no need to be ashamed. You have a pure heart, and there is nothing wrong with that." You looked at him strangely. "I am in love, with a human woman," he said.

You were shocked, for several reasons. You couldn't believe that any demon, especially the Great Dog Demon, would be in love with a human, and telling you nonetheless. You had heard stories about him, and how he was so powerful. Yet he was not considered a disgrace, or maybe he was, and he just didn't care.

"You do not crave power like the others," you said. "Then what is it you desire?"

He looked you in the eye, making you rather uncomfortable, and said, "To protect those who are dear to me." This brought a smile to your face.

Years passed, and you had decided to spend them helping people. Surprisingly enough, they accepted your help. They didn't trust you at first, but learned to. You didn't exactly help people normally, though. You would steal from the rich, and give to the poor.

Eventually, word reached you of the tragic death of Great Dog Demon, and you were deeply saddened by this. Although you had only met him once, you felt as if there was a deep connection between the two of you. That, and you owed him a great debt.

One day, you had slyly stolen money from a rich lord, and were planning to give it to some poor orphaned children you had seen earlier on the streets, practically dying of hunger. Unfortunately, you weren't as sly as you thought, and wound up running from the lords guards.

"Damn it, damn it, damn iiiit," you said to yourself. "That is the last time I steal from someone who has guards."

You had managed to get far enough away from the guards that you were pretty sure they wouldn't be able to find you, but you decided to run a little more, just in case. You were so occupied with running, that you didn't notice there was someone standing in front of you. You then ran into a wall of fabric, and fell to the ground, the money flying everywhere.

You looked up to see an half-demon standing in front of you. With him were a small raccoon-dog, a two-tailed cat demon, two girls (one was dressed very strangely), and a monk.

The monk reached for some of the money that was on the ground, but the girl with the giant boomerang slapped his hand. "It's not ours," she said to him in a stern voice, she then looked at you, "And I have a feeling it's not hers, either."

"What's a demon doing with money?" asked the dog half-demon.

You crossed your arms, "What's a half-breed doing traveling with humans and demons?" You got off your butt and began to pick up the money. "Now if you'll excuse me, I should be going." You stepped forward, but the half-demon blocked your path.

"I don't think so, what do you need that money for?" he asked, "I doubt to buy something."

"Listen buddy, I—," you began to protest, but then noticed that the scent of the half-demon was somewhat familiar. You looked at him, eyes squinted, and leaned in to get a better look at him, trying to find out where you'd seen him before, making the half-demon no longer uptight, but instead rather confused and nervous with your current demeanor.

"Uh, what are you doing?" asked the small raccoon-dog. 

"Shh! Quiet, raccoon-dog!" you ordered.

"I'm a fox!"

Suddenly it clicked, "I see now! You must be the son of the Great Dog Demon! That explains it!"

"You knew my father?" he asked.

"Yes, thanks to him, I'm doing a lot better," you said. "I only met him once, but still, I was quite saddened when I heard of his death."

"What do you mean you're doing better thanks to him?" asked the strangely dressed girl.

You looked at her, "Wow... where do you buy your clothes?"

"That's not the point," she said in an impatient tone.

"Oh, yeah, heheh," you said, slightly embarrassed. I'm a full-blooded demon, but I'm not like the others; I cared for humans. And meeting someone as powerful as the Great Dog Demon, and having him feel the same way as me, made me realize how I felt wasn't wrong. It made me think, 'Hey, maybe I'm not a disgrace'."

Inuyasha seemed to be in thought, you could only imagine what he was thinking.

"Well, I have to get going. So long!" you said, then continued running down the road, leaving the group stunned.

"What a strange girl," said the strangely dressed girl.

"No kidding," Inuyasha agreed.

Abilities: you use your own physical strength, and natural weapons, like many other wolf demons

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She was pretty strange, but she didn't seem that bad. I guess she owes a lot to my old man.

Kagome: She was pretty odd, but she seemed really nice.

Sango: She was... interesting.

Miroku: Well, at least she has good intentions.

Shippō: *crosses arms* I'm not a raccoon-dog.

Kikyō: I have not met her.

Kaede: I do not know her.

Myōga: I was with my master, the Great Dog Demon, when she met him.

Kōga: I might have met her once or twice.

Naraku: I believe she's heard of the attack on the Wolf Tribe.

Byakuya: I sometimes have to make sure she's keeping her distance.

Kagura: I can't believe she even cares the Wolf Tribe died. They never even liked her.

Kanna: I have seen her.

Hakudōshi: She once interfered when she saw me fighting Inuyasha.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Even her heart carries darkness.

Mōryōmaru: I don't know who you're talking about.

Sesshōmaru: I have no time to deal with such pathetic demon.

Jaken: Why in the world would I know her?!

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