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Originally posted in August of 2010

Name: Kiyoshi

Meaning: quiet

Life story:

You grew up a quiet life on a farm with your family and your good friend, Mizumi. One night you went to your room that you shared with your younger sister, Chizu, and put your candle next to your sleeping mat. You then realized you forgot something, and so you went in left the room to get it. The hallway was bright enough no its own, and so you left the candle where it was.

You went into the barn, and smelled smoke. You rushed to your house, which had now burst into flames, after the candle had touched the mattress and sparked a fire. You looked around, your neighbors were there to see what the commotion was about, and you also saw your family... except for Chizu. Chizu was asleep during the fire, and by the time she woke up, it was too late to escape. Your sister was now dead, because of you.

After that, you decided to do the unthinkable, obtain the Shikon Jewel, so you could bring your sister back from the grave. Mizumi agreed to come with you, although she knew the effort would be futile. You grabbed a sickle from the farm, and planned to use that as a weapon.

You managed to get two shards, though they were stolen by an dog demon and his friends. You continue to search for jewel shards, and deny the fact that you probably won't get your sister back.

Abilities: wields sickle as a weapon

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: That guy? He wasn't hard to beat, all he had to help him was a sickle and his human girlfriend.

Kagome: I'm actually surprised he managed to get two jewel shards.

Sango: Inuyasha handled that guy and his friend by himself.

Miroku: He was travelling with a rather attractive woman.
(Me: And what does that have to do with him?)

Shippō: All I know is that he is after jewel shards.

Kikyō: I do not know of him.

Kaede: I believe he and his friend stayed the night in our village once.

Myōga: Who?

Kōga: I don't know him.

Naraku: Who is that? A human?

Byakuya: Never heard of him.

Kagura: Don't know him.

Kanna: I don't know that person.

Hakudōshi: I haven't heard that name before.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): I don't know of him.

Mōryōmaru: Who's that?

Sesshōmaru: Quit wasting my time.

(Me: I'll take that as, "I don't know him.")

Jaken: Why would I know anything about a pathetic human?

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