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Originally posted in October of 2011 on Quizilla

(picture by Nardack)

Name: Miho

Meaning: protected

Life story:

"Miho, you need to run away," your mother ordered.

"But Okāsan, I don't want to leave," you said, eyes blurred with tears.

"You must," your mother said. "You can't get very far not that the village is under attack. Go hide in the old well. You'll have a better chance of making it out alive."

"You and Otōsan come, too!" you pleaded.

"Darling, I can't fit in there," your mother explained, "and your father was probably killed protecting the village."

"I'm not leaving," you said.

"You must," your mother said, pushing you out of the back door and slamming it shut. You banged on it, screaming and pleading for her to let you back in. How could she have not let you? After a while, you shuddered, and ran to the old well and jumped down and hid.

You sat there and listened to the sounds of screams and the clashing of weapons. Eventually it all died down, and there was no sound.

"Impressive, Naraku," said a man's voice, deep and demonic. "You managed to kill them after all; one of the most powerful village of humans."

"I need to increase my power," a man, Naraku, replied. "It was hardly a challenge, but it should do. Let's see, how else can I increase my power?" There was silence, followed by a gagging sound, and someone dropping to their knees.

"Damn you, Naraku," the man said, and then was silenced forever.

There was silence, and you heard someone approaching the well. You froze, afraid that these would be your last moments. You were to die without ever seeing your family again, but then the sound of footsteps seized.

"You're not worth my time," Naraku said. "Perhaps you'll be a challenge once you're older."

And then you heard the sound of footsteps walking away, and then nothing. You stayed there for hours, wondering if he had actually left or if he was tricking you. Eventually you grabbed on to some of the stones sticking out of the well, and managed to climb out.

You looked around and saw that everything was dead, and coated in blood. You saw familiar faces, stabbed to death, throats slit and other unfamiliar methods of execution. Then you looked down and saw what looked like a demon. It had eight legs and resembled an insect. It too was dead, a fatal stab wound to the abdomen.

It was when you spotted your father, body parts mangled and covered in blood, that you felt like you were going to vomit. You walked out of the village, carefully avoiding bodies, and when you finally reached a village nearby, you dropped to your knees, feet coated in blood.

For months you spent time in the village, trying to recover from what you'd seen, and eventually you realized what you had to do: kill Naraku. It was that simple, though you knew it wouldn't be very simple to accomplish.

It seemed like years you trained in the village, learning to fight, but it was only a matter of weeks. Still, it made all the difference, and when you felt you had learned enough, you left. You travelled, going to other villages and learning new ways of fighting.

You were seventeen, you'd spent about a week travelling, and your skills had greatly improved. One day you were outside of a small village, and were wounded from a previous fight. A demon was after you, and you were trying to fight it off, though this had proven to be difficult.

You ran, taking routes that would be hard for the demon to follow, and looked back to make sure it wasn't too close to you. Suddenly you ran into something firm and fell down. You looked up, frightened, and saw a monk in front of you, looking confused. The monk and his friends noticed the demon that was chasing you, and began fighting it.

Half way through the battle you saw a girl climb out of a nearby well, and when she noticed what was happening she took out a bow and arrow and delivered the final blow. She ran toward you, asking if you were okay, and took some strange things out of a bag she was wearing and began to put them on your wounds. You were silent, staring nervously around at the people staring down at you, but after a moment, sighed and gave your thanks.

"What were you doing out in the woods?" the girl tending to your wounds asked.

"I've been traveling, trying to improve my fighting skills," you explained, "so I can kill the demon that destroyed my village. Naraku."

The group of six stared at you shocked, and then proceeded to explain that they, too, were after Naraku. The girl that had come out of the well, Kagome, suggested that you come with them, and although hesitant, you agreed.

That night you stayed at the village, and while everyone else was asleep you stayed up, sitting outside and gazing at the stars. When you heard footsteps you quickly turned, grabbing onto your knives. You calmed down when you saw that it was only the monk from earlier, and turned back to watch the sky.

"Miho, was it?" the monk asked.

You nodded.

"My name is Miroku," he said. "I'm glad we were able to help you."

"Me, too," you said with a slight grin, eyes still fixed on the stars.

"Kagome-sama is a good person; I'm not surprised she asked if you wanted to come," he admitted. "Forgive Inuyasha, though. He's not used to having others help him."

"That's all right," you assured him.

"I hope you'll get used to all of us," the monk said. "I look forward to working with you. We will kill Naraku, and then perhaps your family and friends can rest in peace."

You turned to look at Miroku, wondering if he even cared. When you looked into his eyes, though, you could tell that he truly did.

"Yes," you said after a moment, smiling, "I'd like that."

And that's how you started working with Inuyasha and friends. After that you got close to everyone, and were friends with all of them. Though you can't help but wish for Miroku to be more than that.

Abilities: knife fighting

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: I think I liked her better when she hardly talked.

Kagome: She is a nice girl. She seems really flustered when she's around Miroku-sama, though.

Sango: She was quiet at first, but she's really quite social once you get to know her.

Miroku: She's a good person, and I'm glad she joined us. Hopefully when this is through the people of her village can rest in peace.

Shippō: I like her. She's really funny!

Kikyō: I know little of her. She doesn't talk when I'm around. However I could tell she was deeply concerned when the monk was seriously injured.

Kaede: She is a kind a girl.

Myōga: A companion of Inuyasha-sama's. She seems nice.

Kōga: I don't know much about her. She doesn't really talk.

Naraku: Hardly worth killing.

Byakuya: One of Inuyasha's friends. That's about all I know.

Kagura: I don't know much about her. We've fought before.

Kanna: She shall be killed. Like all the others.

Hakudōshi: A weak human.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Her heart is scarred, and can be easily manipulated.

Mōryōmaru: One of the half-breed companions. I haven't seen her fight.

Sesshōmaru: She is one of the humans who accompanies Inuyasha. She rarely speaks.

Jaken: She's just another stupid human that follows Inuyasha around!

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