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Originally posted in February of 2011 on Quizilla

Name: Nobue

Meaning: faith and protection

Life story:

"Get out of here," one boy said, shoving you. 

"Yeah," another agreed.

It wasn't long until you were being pushed back and forth between the group of boys. A villager who happened to be nearby noticed this, and was horrified. She quickly gathered the boys and made them get away from you, scolding them for acting in such a manor.

This happened when you were six. No, it was not your typical bullying, that an adult would stop. That woman didn't stop the boys because she cared about your safety. She stopped the boys because she cared about her safety.

Your father was a cat demon, and your mother, a human. The only reason that you hadn't been kicked out of your village was because you lived in a dangerous place. Evil demons often came, ready to kill and devour any villager in site. It had been going on for years. When you were born, the villagers and your parents made a deal. They get protection, you and your mother get a place to live.

The villagers were always kind to you, too kind. It was easy to tell that when they talked to you they were afraid, afraid that something they say or do might anger or sadden you, thus resulting in their lack of protection. No kids ever played with you, you were usually alone. Who'd want to play with the half-breed who had a scary demon parent who practically held their life in his hands?

When you were nine you heard tell of a man mastered in the skill of swordsmanship. You went to him, and asked if he could train you. The man had bad vision, after having his eyes injured by some bandits. He couldn't tell you were a half-demon, but when you told him, he didn't seem to mind.

He replied, "Whether you do good or evil with the skills you are taught is none of my concern." You could tell by his tone that he didn't expect very good things to be done with your skills.

You trained for six years with the swords master, and then returned to your village. After spending another year at home, you and your father both went to visit your master, and thank him. When there your father and you could sense that the village was being attacked by a demon. Well aware of his promise to protect the village from, your father left to attend to some urgent business elsewhere. He told you that you had to try and hold the demon off until he returned.

Though you were too late. The village had been massacred, everyone was dead. You blamed no one, not even your fathers.

After that you wandered along the outskirts of your village for a short while, and you sensed several presences in the village. Once you entered your village, a small demon attacked you. Although small, it was fast and strong, but you still managed to kill it. When it died you noticed it had a jewel shard in its possession, which you took.

Walking to the other side of the village, you ran into the people you had sensed earlier. It was a small group of demons, humans, and even a half-demon. You introduced yourself to them, and asked why they were in your village. Apparently there was a demon they were after who possessed a jewel shard.

After talking to them for a while, you gave them the jewel shard you had obtained, and offered them a place to stay. You went into your home, your old home, which had managed to survive the massacre, and allowed them to stay the night.

It was somewhat odd. That was the first time you had talked to someone, besides your parents, and heard them talk back to you like a regular person. It had always been along the lines of hatred or fear, but they talked to you with none of that in their voices. It was odd, feeling accepted for once.

The next day you asked if you could accompany them on their quest. After a while of discussing it, they allowed you to come with them. You said farewell to your father and the village, and left. Before going, your father gave you a gift. A demon sword.

You wanted to feel accepted, and not alone. You loved your father, but you needed to move on, and you have. Ever since then you have been travelling with the group of kind people.

Abilities: swordsmanship; archery; hand-to-hand combat

What They Think of You:

Inuyasha: She sometimes gets annoyed with me. I think she's doing it to get me annoyed, just for kicks. Congratulations to her, it's working.

Kagome: She's really nice. She even apologizes to Inuyasha when she knows she's gotten him really annoyed.

Sango: She actually reminds me a lot of Shippō. Just a bit more mature, though.

Miroku: She cares deeply about the people close to her. I can respect that.

Shippō: She can annoy Inuyasha and get away with it, it's not fair.

Kikyō: I hardly know anything about her.

(Me: Liar. Tell the truth for once. Yeah, I went there)

Kaede: She's a kind girl

Myōga: I believe the Inuyasha-sama's father may have known hers.

Kōga: Don't know, don't care.

(Me: Shocker)

Naraku: I have done nothing to her, so she has nothing to do with me. It's unfortunate that I'll have to kill her if she continues to get in the way.

Byakuya: Her bow and arrows aren't much of a threat, seeing as she doesn't have priestess powers like Kagome of Kikyō.

Kagura: She's annoying.

Kanna: She is of no importance.

Hakudōshi: Even she has a breaking point.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): Her father is still alive. Because of that, it won't be very hard to tamper with her heart.

Mōryōmaru: She and that Inuyasha can't even touch me.

Sesshōmaru: She seems rather concerned whenever her companions get hurt. That's a sign of weakness.

Jaken: I completely agree with Sesshōmaru-sama!

(Me: You always do)

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