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Originally posted in August of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Fuyoko

Meaning: winter child

Life story:

You are a panther demon, and grew up with parents fiercer than most. They made you endure training that tore you apart, causing you to become the cold, bitter woman you are today. They taught you to kill or be killed, and to enjoy watching your opponent die.

You had gone to travel for about one hundred years, and ended up traveling with an dog demon named Sesshōmaru. Eventually you and Sesshōmaru became rivals, and each time you'd battle, it would be a draw. You then left for home.

Your parents had another child, Akihime. They planned an arranged marriage for her with a strong demon, Haru, and that she would undergo the same training you had. You couldn't stand the thought of your sister having to go through the same painstaking experience you had, and so you did the unthinkable: you killed your parents. To this day, no one knows about it, not even your sister.

One day Haru had gone on a rampage, slaughtering an entire village of humans, and destroyed your home on the outskirts of the village as well. You and your sister who was now a young woman then set off to travel. You would do anything in your power to protect Akihime.

On your travels you ran into some old friends that you had fought aside long before Akihime was born, the Panther Devas: Toran, Shunran, Karan, and Shuran. You had fought with them in a war against the son of the Great Dog Demon, Sesshōmaru.

You learned of their plan to revive the Panther King, and joined them. You were to sacrifice humans to bring the Panther King back, but a half-breed, named Inuyasha, and his friends kept getting in the way. In the end, Shunran, Karan, Shuran, and you were sacrificed instead of the humans, and Sesshōmaru came and ended up slaying the king, reviving you and the others in the process. Akihime and you left the company of the Panther Devas, and continue to travel this very day.

Abilities: Like the Panther Devas, you can control an element; two, actually. You can wield your katana, Hades, to control ice, and your hook sword, Aphrodite, to control snow; panther-like speed

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She ended up not being a threat in the end, but she's just like Sesshōmaru, I could see it in her eyes. She's cold, craves power, and will kill anyone without hesitation. It sickens me.

Kagome: Inuyasha seems to think she's bad, but I noticed she was checking on her sister a lot. I think she cares about her.

Sango: I saw her looking after her sister. I can respect that.

Miroku: She was a rather fierce opponent.

Shippō: She scares me.

Kikyō: I do not know her.

Kaede: I have not heard of her.

Myōga: Fuyoko-sama was in the war between the Panther Devas and Sesshōmaru-sama. It seemed their powers were evenly matched.

Kōga: That woman? I saw her once, but we didn't pay much attention to each other.

Naraku: I believe she has encountered Sesshōmaru before, and seems to be a challenge even for him. Hmm, this might be worth looking into.

Byakuya: I'm not familiar with that name.

Kagura: I don't know who you're talking about, and I couldn't care less.

Kanna: When showing an image of Sesshōmaru, she appeared.

Hakudōshi: I believe Naraku has become interested in her. Perhaps he plans to absorb her?

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): I do not know this woman.

Mōryōmaru: Who?

Sesshōmaru: Now that I have Bakusaiga, I will be able to finish her off once and for all.
(Me: O.o)

Jaken: How dare she show so much disrespect to Sesshōmaru-sama! She shall pay dearly! *continues to rant*
(Me: Can someone shut him up please?)
*Gets hit with rock and falls unconscious*
(Me: Thank you)

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