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Originally posted May of 2010 on Quizilla

Name: Etsuko

Meaning: child of delight

Life Story:

Your father was a powerful cat demon named Akio and your mother a beautiful, human woman named Hanako.

One evening, after a long day of working, Hanako had been heading home, only to be stopped by bandits. Out of the blue, Akio came and saved her. The moment they locked eyes they knew they wanted to be together.

As a child, you were often bullied—and even hurt—by the people in your village for being a half-demon. 

One day you came home to find your parents lying on the ground. Your mother was dead and your father, fatally wounded. You ran to your father's side, eyes teary, and asked him what had happened.

He replied that the demon, Naraku, came to steal a fragment of the Jewel of Four Souls he possessed. He apologized to you, thinking it was his entire fault, and told you to leave the village.

For a long while you had been searching for fragments of the Shikon Jewel, and even managed to get one. One day you happened upon an wolf demon who came after your shard of the Shikon Jewel. You gave it your best, but the okuri-ōkami also had a shard, and you couldn't take its power.

Suddenly an half-breed dog demon with a large sword came and defeated the demon with the help of a monk and a demon slayer, managing to take its shard.

A girl in a strange green outfit and a fox demon then came to help you. At first you were hesitant, but you let them assist you.

You soon figured out their names and learned they were after the fragments of the Shikon Jewel. Kagome mentioned she noticed you had a fragment in your pocket, and asked why you wanted the jewel.

You were somewhat stunned that she was able to see the jewel shard even though it was concealed, but nonetheless, you explained to her that you wanted to become a full demon, and to kill the demon that murdered your parents. When Sango asked you who this demon was, you gave them the name your father had given you.

Kagome then explained that they, too, we're after Naraku, and asked if you would like to join them. Inuyasha didn't like this idea, but he was outvoted. You didn't know what to say, but decided that you couldn't do it alone, and accepted their offer.

Over time you have learned more about your friends, like what Naraku did to them, what they're like and other things. They've learned much about you as well, too; overall, you get along.

Abilities: swordsmanship; hand-to-hand combat  (claws); demon powers

What they think of you:

Inuyasha: She can be kind of annoying with her random hyperactivity, but she isn't that bad. I can kind of relate to her since she's a half-demon, too. We get along.

Kagome: She's so nice! She's really hyper and fun, but she knows when to be serious. That's good.

Sango: She's okay, but I'd prefer she be more serious. She's an impressive fighter as well.

Miroku: She's quite nice. Overall we get along, but I think her hyperactivity is getting on Inuyasha's last nerve.

Shippō: She's really nice! When we have free time, she plays with me.

Kikyō: I believe I have witnessed her fighting skills before. She is about evenly matched with Inuyasha.

Kaede: A kind girl, I think it may be good for Inuyasha to have her in the group.

Myōga: A very powerful girl indeed. I have heard rumors of her father. I believe Inuyasha-sama may have trouble if he will fight her. That is, if the two of them still plan on becoming full demon.

Kōga: Not half bad, for a hanyō. But I try to avoid her, she's as annoying as hell.

Naraku: So, Akio and Hanako's child has joined Inuyasha and friends. This will be interesting.

Byakuya: She seems to mainly use her claws, she must not have a wide variety of attacks.

Kagura: She's like Inuyasha.

Kanna: She won't be hard to beat.

Hakudōshi: Her carefree behavior will only get her killed.

Akago (baby incarnation of Naraku): She resents the people who have made her miserable, those who have insulted her for being a half-demon.

Mōryōmaru: A weak half-breed.

Sesshōmaru: This will make things slightly more troublesome. No matter. She is merely a pathetic half-breed like Inuyasha.

Jaken: No matter, Sesshōmaru-sama will be able to defeat her and Inuyasha without a problem!

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