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Originally posted in January of 2014 on Quizilla

*name requested by QT

Name: Mun*

Life story: 

Desire. Need. Loneliness. You know the three all too well.

You're mother died soon after you were born; you had no siblings, and no father that you knew of. So you wandered, going wherever your wings would carry you. A dragon, you were larger than any human, and yet that large heart in your body that pumps blood throughout your veins was shriveled and small. Empty.

You raided villages, killed mercilessly and without reason. Anything that might stir excitement in you, or some sort of reaction, but no matter how much you fought or killed, there was nothing you could do to fill the void in your heart.

You were well-known among humans and demons alike, some demon who were sympathetic of humans, had lost a family member to you, or just wanted to test their strength would come to fight you, but none ever did. For you had a special ability, a "gift" of sorts; it was unheard of, not any ability a dragon was supposed to have. You could trap people in their minds, torture them internally until they died, but no one knew of this because all the people you used it one had died. Except for one demon. He was somehow able to break free of your trance, likely because a nearby human had shot him with an arrow, the pain bringing him back to reality. Then the coward ran, and you had to settle with taking the life of the petty human instead.

Word began to spread of your strange ability, and some demon even came to see for themselves if it was true, though they never got a chance to tell anyone that it was. You would always kill them before they could. Until one day, when a demon came, desiring to test your skills. You accepted his challenge, believing that it would be over in seconds once you had used your ability, but there was something about the man that you hadn't expected. You'd met several snake demons before, but none like this. None of them had been blind. In order for your ability to work, you had to look the person in the eyes, but he could not see your eyes. When you realized this, before you could transform out of your humanoid from and into your true form, he had already beaten you.

You felt pathetic, humiliated, having been defeated, and by a blind man. Then the man said something unexpected. "I am Tsuchinoko, and I need you."

Need. He needed you. Someone wanted you. It took you a while to digest this, to realize that it meant you would no longer be alone.

"Why?" you asked. "Why do you need me?"

"Your ability," he explained, "to intrude a person's thoughts. I assume you truly have it? If so, then it could be of use to me. You could be of use to me. I have another with me. His name is Yako. I propose you come with us. What do you say?"

"I will," you found yourself saying, surprised to hear the words come out of your mouth. "I... I will come with you."

After spending time with Tsuchinoko and Yako, you began to change. That emptiness in your heart was now filled with joy, a feeling you had never experienced before. A feeling you embraced so tightly to the point that it nearly consumed you.

Tsuchinoko had been after the Jewel of Four Souls for some time, and just when you thought that you could retrieve it for him, it was destroyed. Some fifty years later it returned, this time shattered into hundreds if not thousands of fragments. This meant that you were to retrieve them again, and that is when you found yourself up against a half-demon named Inuyasha and his friends.

"Hi there," you greeted him upon your first encounter. "Nice to meet you."

"What the hell do you want?" he asked. "I don't have time to deal with the likes of you, demon or no."

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