Chapter 8: New friends and new enemies

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It was an ordinary day in Royal Woods as Kai is playing video games with Lincoln. The Loud family, Casagrande, and McBride family are going on a vacation to have and leaving Kai to watch the house and look after Lily.

Lori then looks at the young fire dragon with concern and asks.

Lori: Are you sure you and Lily will be ok by yourselves?. She asked him with concern in her voice.

Kai nodded and said don't worry we'll be fine.

Lori nodded as they say goodbye to go on vacation.

Kai then had a lot of fun with Lily and the loud family's pets.


Felice and Necro found the Loud family's house where Kai is in and contacted Drazeros.

Felice: We found him. She said to her supreme leader on the comm.

Drazeros then came walking out of the portal. He had an evil smile on his face as he will enjoy killing Kai. But first he must retrieve the map that Kai has with him that will lead him to the Master Kingdom Stone.

Back at the loud house...

Kai the fire dragon, Lily, and the pets are watching tv until the power went out.

Kai: Ooh scary story time!! He said to them excitedly as he ran to get a flashlight. Until they hear a loud thud that came from outside. Kai told Lily to stay here while he goes checks what the noise was.

Kai: I don't think it's pizza dude. He said to himself as he cautiously walks towards the door until laser fired through the door.

Kai dodged them all and he saw someone he was hoping to never see again.

It was Drazeros he was back and his second in command Siderian was also there. He also saw two new enemies he never seen before.

Kai: Drazeros?! He said in shock after seeing him again.

Drazeros smirked evilly as he saw the fear in his eyes.

Drazeros: So nice to see you again Fire dragon. He said to Kai with hate in his voice.

Kai then looked angrily at him as he said. "I don't know how you came back. But you made a big mistake coming back to Earth. He said to his nemesis.

Drazeros then chuckled as he said to Kai.

Drazeros: Oh I'm afraid not fool. You should have killed me when you had the chance just like how I killed your guardian. He said to Kai.

Kai then got furious as orange electricity surged through him and went to punch Drazeros in the face but he is stopped by Felice the tiger as she punches him and sends him straight to a wall.

Felice looks at Kai with disappointment for she was hoping he would put up more of a challenge.

Felice: How pathetic. She said to the teenage fire dragon.

Kai groans as he asks.

Kai: Who are you?. He asked the tiger.

Drazeros: Where are my manners. Kai meet Felice and Necro two of my most strongest warriors. Now you have something that we want.

Kai: And what is that? He asked.

Drazeros: The map give it to us and we may let you live. He said to Kai.

Kai: Never!! He yelled as he charges at all four opponents.

Necro brought out her spear as she tries to stab him but dodges and brought out his sword. The two have an epic clash until Felice uses her claws to slash him. But was able dodge each of her attacks. Siderian punches him in the stomach and Drazeros grabs Kai by the throat and throws him straight into the garage in the backyard.

Kai was badly hurt as Drazeros and three of his servants close in on him to retrieve the map until they the roar of an engine. As they see a police car that sends them straight to Mr Grouse's yard. Kai went to the house and retrieved Lily.

Kai wondered who it was that saved until the car door opened revealing to be Jake and Henry.

Jake in the driver's seat looked at Kai then at the baby Lily Loud and said to them.

Jake: Get in. He said to Kai and Lily.

Kai was hesitant at first but hopped in the car. As the wolf drove the car. Drazeros and the others soon woke up and saw that they were escaping. Drazeros roars in anger and orders Siderian and Felice to go after them.

Drazeros and Felice both ran after them with their own vehicles.

Kai then looks at both Jake and Henry and asks them a question.

Kai: While me and Lily appreciate the both of you saving us but who are you guys? He asked them.

Henry shyly introduced himself.

Henry: (stutters) I-I'm Henry the basset hound.

Jake: And I'm Jake the wolf. With introduction out of the way we got unwanted company.

Kai looks out the window and sees Siderian and Felice is after them.

Kai: How do we lose them?. He asked Jake.

Jake then looks at Henry and Henry nods knowing what he has to do.

Henry used his powers as blue and purple like guns appeared on his hands as he begins to fire at them as it damages their ride.

Kai looked at Henry in amazement as he said to him.

Kai: That was so awesome!!! He said to Henry excitedly.

Henry blushed and said thanks.

Jake: Kai do you still have the map?. He asked Kai.

Kai looked at Jake with confusion.

Kai: Um yes why?. He asked Jake.

Jake: Then we better get to looking for the Master Kingdom Stone before Drazeros gets his hands on it. He said to Kai. Kai was surprised. He thought the Master Kingdom was a myth but he was wrong.

To be continued....

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