S2 Chapter 3: Meeting the Wachowski family

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At Greenhills their lived the Wachowski family named Tom and Maddie along with their three sons named Sonic Wachowski the hedgehog, Tails Wachowski the fox, and Knuckles Wachowski the echidna are packing their things as they prepare to move to a city called Royal Woods.

Tom: Got everything ready guys?

Sonic zoomed downstairs to his foster dad.

Sonic: (smile) Yep got everything ready.

Tom smiled as they all walked to the car and drove to their new home in Royal Woods but unaware that a certain scientist and his assistant were watching them and their names are Dr Robotnik and Agent Stone.

Meanwhile at Royal Woods...

Kai and his friends are playing basketball. They are having fun until Lori and the others came to tell them something.

Lori called to her foster son Kai and his friends.

Lori: Kai everyone we got big news.

Kai: Hey mom what's up?

Lori: We're getting new neighbors plus from what we heard at Greenhills that there are three animals with powers very unique to yours Kai.

Kai and the others are excited to meet these new neighbors and to meet new friends.

They see a moving truck parked at the front of the house.

Kai then sees a blue hedgehog, yellow, and a red echidna he went to meet them.

Sonic sees Kai.

Kai: (smile) Hi there I'm Kai Loud the Fire dragon.

Sonic: (smile) Nice to meet you Kai I'm Sonic Wachowski the hedgehog and these are my family. My two brothers Tails and Knuckles and our parents Tom and Maddie.

Tom: (smile) Hey there.

Lilac and the others soon came to introduce themselves to the Wachowski family. They got along well together. Kai, Lilac, Sonic, and Aerion decided to have a race around the park.

The four individuals were running very fast as they were almost at the park until they attacked by robots.

Kai: Oh great just when I thought this was going to be a peaceful day it just got worse.

Sonic: I know these robots belong to a certain scientist.

That's when they see a egg mobile and see Dr Robotnik

Dr Robotnik: (evil smile) So nice to see you again rodent and I see you made new friends.

Kai and the others then looked to Sonic.

Lilac: You know this guy?

Sonic nodded his head to Lilac.

Sonic: He's very dangerous be careful.

Kai, Lilac, and Aerion nodded as the four fast individuals attacks the Badniks. Kai and Aerion brings out each of their swords and slashes the Badniks. Sonic spindashes the robots while Lilac uses her cyclone at the robots. Dr Robotnik shoots the missiles at them but they dodged the missiles.

Kai: Let's do this together!

Sonic, Lilac, and Aerion nodded as they combined each of their attacks and all charged at Robotnik sending him flying to a tree.

Dr Robotnik: (anger) I'll be back!!!!

Kai: You know that was very fun.

Sonic: You said it.

Aerion: Well come on you guys let's head back home.

They all ran straight back to home.


Dr Robotnik was furious with his loss.

Agent Stone walked to Robotnik.

Agent Stone: Doctor someone wishes to speak with you.

Dr Robotnik looked and saw Drazeros standing before him.

Drazeros: (evil smirk) Hello Dr Robotnik there's much we must discuss.

To be continued...

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