Chapter 25: Rise of Metal Kai arc 5 and Rise of Super Lilac

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Kai was shocked to see Metal Kai becoming super and when the robot turned against his creator Tygren.

Kai glared at the robot imposter.

Kai: If I had to guess this was your plan all along.

Super Metal Kai chuckled.

Super Metal Kai: Indeed I decided to pretend to be loyal to Tygren and once the stone was in my grasp I would take it for myself to make a perfect new world ruled by my hands!

Kai: Like I'll ever let that happen!

Kai charges at Super Metal Kai to deliver a punch to the robot but Super Metal Kai dodges and kicks Kai in the stomach so hard that he coughed up blood.

Kai crashed straight into the wall.

Kai: Ok I'm definitely gonna need backup I hope Jake and the others will find a way to get to me in time.

Lori knew she needed to free Jake and the others so they can help Kai in defeating Super Metal Kai.

Lori sees them in their cages with two robots guarding it. She used her hair clip and was able to get the lock off. She then got behind the two robots and knocked them out.

Jake and the others looked at Lori with relief.

Jake: (smile) Thanks for the save Lori.

Lori:(smile) No problem but no time for that Kai needs you guys help and fast!

Henry: What happened?

Lori: Metal Kai just went super and Kai won't last long.

Lilac became very worried for Kai as she ran to help Kai.

Neera: Lilac wait!

Drazen: No time for that Neera come on Kai's gonna need backup.

Meanwhile with Kai...

Kai was sent into the wall badly hurt and couldn't get back up. Super Metal Kai comes closer to Kai.

Super Metal Kai: This is where you will die Kai.

Super Metal Kai transforms his hand into a cannon and aims it at Kai as he prepares to finish him off until Lilac came and kicked Super Metal Kai to the wall.

Lilac: (worried) Kai are you okay?

Kai gave Lilac a smile.

Kai: Yeah thanks for the save.

Jake came and helped Kai on his feet.

Jake: Sorry we couldn't get here sooner but for now let's take care of this scrapheap.

Kai: No let me handle him.

They all looked at Kai in shock.

Henry: (shocked and worried) What?! But you won't have a chance against him!

Kai: I know but you guys need to Lori to safety while I keep him distracted.

Drazen knew he was right.

Drazen: (sigh) Fine but you better comeback in one piece.

Kai: ( smile) Promise.

Drazen and the others went to get Lori but Lilac stayed behind.

Kai: Lilac you should go with them.

Lilac shook her head no.

Lilac: No I'm staying to help you defeat that imposter!

Kai: But...

Lilac went to Kai and kissed him on the lips.

Kai was blushing like crazy.

Lilac: I'm not leaving you behind besides you could use the help.

Kai knew she was right on that he could use the help.

Kai: Alright then let's do this together!

Both Kai and Lilac charged at Super Metal Kai and tried to punch him but the robot clone grabs both their fists and push them back.

Kai Charges at Super Metal Kai by using Fire Tornado but the robot clone dodges the attack. Lilac uses her cyclone at him but Super Metal Kai grabs her head and slams her to the ground where she was unconscious.

Kai sees Lilac on the ground and glares at Super Metal Kai with anger. That's when Kai has an idea as he ran to get Lilac and find cover.

Lilac soon began to wake up and looked at Kai.

Lilac: What happened?

Kai: Long story short you were knocked out but I have a plan.

Super Metal Kai was still looking for Kai and Lilac until Kai appeared right in front of him.

Kai: Yo scrapheap! You want me come and get me!

Kai ran straight for the mountains while Super Metal Kai runs after him and tries to blast him but Kai dodges every last one of them.

Lilac was in position as she waited for them to get to the spot. She sees Kai and Super Metal Kai.

Lilac uses her cyclone at Super Metal Kai it caught Super Metal Kai off guard as the stone came off his chest.

The stone then shatters to seven pieces as they turn not only Kai super but Lilac also becomes super too.

Lilac's skin was now yellow and her eyes were red.

Both Super Kai and Super Lilac charge at Super Metal Kai to end this once and for all.

Both Super Kai and Super Lilac charge at Super Metal Kai to end this once and for all

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To be continued...

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