S6 Chapter 15: Training to unlock a powerful form and Dharak awakens

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Dragold brings them to his realm to begin their training.

Dragold brings them to his realm to begin their training

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Jake whistled.

Jake: Nice place.

Dragold chuckled. He then looks at Dravise who was nervous.

Dragold:(concern) Is something wrong nephew?

Dravise was surprised when Dragold called him his nephew. He at first thought Dragold hated him but he didn't.

Dragold: I can tell you thought that I would attack you.(gentle smile) You're still my nephew and I am happy for your new found family as well as girlfriend.

Dravise and Craftycorn were both surprised when he said that.

Kai: I'm guessing you watched over us.

Dragold nodded.

Dragold: Now is not the time for explanation the fate of the Universe is at stake. Now then let's begin.

Kai, Lori, Bobby and Dravise, Including Craftycorn and the others all charged at the Dragon God of Creation Dragold their training has now begun.

Meanwhile deep within the Temple...

Kai.exe and the others have returned with the last shard. They kneeled before Dharak.

Dharak: At long last my freedom is near!

Clever Claws.exe: Yes and our new world shall be born!

They placed the last shard in as the chains shattered and the cage was destroyed. Dharak is now free.

Dharak held a sinister evil smile on his face

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Dharak held a sinister evil smile on his face.

Dharak: At long last I am now free! And soon my brother, Earth, Avalice, and the Universe will fall!

Dharak laughs evilly as a surge of dark energy flows through him.

Back with Kai and the others...

Kai tried to punch Dragold but he blocks the attack and punches him hard as he crashed into the tree. Lori and Bobby both tried to sneak attack him but Dragold sensed them and sends them flying. Swift Heart, Dracyan, Bloody Bunny, and Aerion along with Lola and the others including their enemies combined their attacks but the golden dragon blocks the attack.

That's when Dravise and Dragold sensed a powerful dark presence.

Dragold: It has begun.

They see the sky has now become dark.

Swift Heart: Oh no.

Puzzle: But our training isn't complete.

Kai: Guys we have to defeat Dharak and our evil selves in order to save the Universe. It's up to all of us.

They all nodded while Dragold smiled at his determination. Kai's determination and will to protect his friends and family. He is honored to fight alongside them. The fate of all life hangs in the balance.

To be continued...

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