S7 Chapter 6: The Guardian Angel and Time Traveler

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Things have been peaceful but then two beings one a wolf and the other a hedgehog. They are named Whisper and Silver.

 They are named Whisper and Silver

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Silver: We're definitely in Equestria now all we need to do is find Kai and the others to help them defeat Drazeros and to make sure the Elements of Harmony doesn't fall into the their hands

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Silver: We're definitely in Equestria now all we need to do is find Kai and the others to help them defeat Drazeros and to make sure the Elements of Harmony doesn't fall into the their hands.

Whisper nodded as they look for Kai and the others.


Cozy Glow is starting to have second thoughts about wanting to rule Equestria. She wished she had a family just like Kai and the rest.

Cozy Glow:(I know that my past bad deeds can never be forgotten but when the time is right I'll join the Cutie Mark Crusaders.)

Felice: Hey brat!

Cozy Glow looked to see Felice standing behind her.

Cozy Glow:(nervous) Y-yes Felice?

Felice: Lord Drazeros wants to speak with you.

Cozy Glow nodded nervously as Felice simply growled in annoyance as she wished she could use her as her personal punching bag.

Cozy Glow arrives in the throne room.

Cozy Glow:(nervous) Y-you wanted to see me lord Drazeros?

Drazeros: Quit your stuttering!

Cozy Glow got scared when he yelled at her.

Drazeros: You will be going with my Fiancé Razia to retrieve three individuals known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders.

Cozy Glow has a shocked look on her face.

Razia: Come on brat we have a mission to do.

She roughly grabs Cozy Glow's hair as she drags her out.

Siderian: Something tells me that brat Cozy Glow is going to try something.

Drazeros: Indeed keep an eye on the brat and if she betrays us. Kill her.

Siderian:(evil smile) With pleasure.

Chrysalis: Even Drazeros noticed that Cozy Glow has been acting different.

Tirek: Not our problem.


Kai and the others are hanging out with Twilight and the others while Lavender and Violet are having fun with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo until they sense two energy signatures heading toward them.

Kickinchicken: Please don't tell me it's Drazeros and his crew.

Lavender: No I don't sense any dark energy. 

Kai: We still need to keep our guard up.

They all got into battle positions and sees Silver and Whisper.

Kelvin: Who are you two?

Silver: It's ok we're friends. My names Silver the Hedgehog and her name is Whisper the wolf.

Kai: Nice to meet you two my names-

Silver: No need your name is Kai Loud the Firedragon.

Kai:(surprised) How did-!

Silver: I'm from the future and I read all about you guys heroic deeds.

Hoppy Hopscotch: Wait if you're from the future then does that mean...

Silver:(smile) Yep you guys even have kids as well

Kai and his friends all have blushes on their faces.

Lori: Oh my Dragold... Yes! That means we each are grandparents!

Dragold:(chuckles) Calm down Lori.

That's when they sensed dark energy and sees a dark sphere heading toward them.

Bubba Bubbaphant: Incoming!

The sphere hits them as they were sent a few feet back. They see Razia and Cozy Glow standing before them. But Kai sees that Cozy Glow doesn't want to hurt anyone.

Lilac:(anger) Razia.

Razia:(evil smile) Greetings everyone. As much as I want to kill all of you I have three brats to retrieve.

Nyx: You want the Cutie Mark Crusaders you'll have to get past us first!

Razia: Sorry but I have a schedule to keep.

Razia summons shadow chains to keep them in place as they couldn't move.

She then grabs the CMC as they returned to base.

Rainbow Dash: We need to save the CMC!

Kai: And we will plus I have a feeling we could be having an ally very soon.


Razia puts Applebloom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo in a cage.

Drazeros: Excellent my love with those three as our hostage we will soon have the Elements of Harmony.

Cozy Glow: T-then we'll let the Cutie Mark Crusaders go back to the Mane 6 right?

Drazeros gave Cozy Glow an annoyed expression as he punched her in the face causing Applebloom Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo to gasp in shock.

Drazeros:(anger) No! Once we have the Elements of Harmony we will kill Kai and his pathetic friends and rule the Universe!

Cozy Glow: But then all the people will live in fear because of that!

Razia: Exactly brat! Don't tell us you're planning to betray us?

Cozy Glow: I would rather die then to kill innocent people!

Drazeros grabs her by throat as Cozy Glow struggled to break free from his grasp. Chrysalis, Tirek and the others including the Crusaders except Razia cowered in fear of the Shadowdragon.

Drazeros: Very well then. You will join them!

He throws Cozy Glow in the dungeon with Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo. The three fillies went to help Cozy Glow.

Drazeros: Siderian Felice! Watch the prisoners.

Siderian and Felice nodded.

Sweetie Belle:(concern) Are you ok Cozy Glow?

She didn't say anything as tears were streaming down her face. Applebloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo comforted her.

Cozy Glow:(tears) I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

Sweetie Belle: Shh. It's ok. Everything's going to be ok.

To be continued...

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