S8 Chapter 13: A new life for Chandler

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In the abandoned warehouse Chandler is preparing to attack Lincoln alone. Then Morag and Joyce came in.

Joyce: And just where do you think you're going?

Chandler: What do you think to kill Lincoln.

Morag:(annoyed) You do realize you're going against Kai Black.

Chandler simply glared at them with annoyance.

Chadler:(anger) I don't care!

Chandler left to go fight Lincoln.

Joyce then looked at the corner and saw Alex Black.

Morag: Follow him and report back if anything happens.

The evil future counterpart of Alex nodded as he goes to follow him quietly in the shadows.


Lincoln is walking in the park. Until he senses a familiar presence heading toward him. Lincoln blocks the punch and sees Chandler standing in front of him.

Lincoln:(anger) Chandler.

Chandler:(evil smile) This time no one will get in my way of killing you Lincoln!

The two charge at each other as they clashed unaware that a ghost that Chandler knows from his past about to intervene.

Chandler roundhouse kicked him but he blocks the kick. Lincoln and Chandler both punched and kicked as they fight in the sky.

Lincoln readies his two fingers as he charges his attack.

Lincoln: Special Beam Cannon!

Chandler also charges his attack.

Chandler: Omega death beam!

The two beams clashed as it soon created an explosion. Both Lincoln and Chandler were covered in bruises.

Chandler: I'll kill you!

Chandler charges at Lincoln as he's about to punch him but then he sees a spirit of a Poochyena standing in front of him. Chandler was in complete shock.

Chandler:(shocked) B-Bone?

Lincoln was surprised that he knows this Pokemon.

Bone: Stop this now Chandler. What you're doing is wrong. Do you really think this is what parents would want?

Chandler was silent.

Bone: I know that you still blame yourself for what happened to me but it wasn't your fault. Please walk away from this dark path.

Chandler started to have tears in his eyes as he knew Bone was right. This wouldn't solve anything and he knows that his past bad deeds will not be forgotten. Lincoln gave Chandler a sympathetic look as he hugs him in comfort. Bone did the same as well.

Chandler:(sad) I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.

Bone: Hey now it's ok. Lincoln do you and the others all promise to be there for Chandler?

Lincoln nodded. Bone then uses his power to turn Chandler into a Poochyena. His fur is crimson just like his hair and his memories of his fight with Lincoln and the others is now gone and he is now two years old.

Bone: Take good care of him.

Lincoln: You have my word.

Bone smiled as he disappeared and soon enough Chandler woke up.

Chandler looked around and sees Lincoln. He shyly backed up a little.

Chandler:(shyly) W-who are you?

Lincoln gently picked up Chandler

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Lincoln gently picked up Chandler.

Lincoln: It's ok. I'm not gonna hurt you. My names Lincoln Loud your uncle and there are others that will like to meet you.

Alex Black saw everything as he returns to base and told Kai Black everything. Kai Black became furious with Chandler and promised that he will kill him and anyone that gets in his way.


Lincoln arrived with Chandler in his arms.

Danielle: Who's this Uncle Lincoln?

Lincoln: Well you guys are in for a surprise. Meet Chandler Loud.

Chandler:(shyly) H-Hello.

Kai and the others are all surprised to see Chandler as a Poochyena. Kai and the others asked Lincoln what happened. He told them that he and Chandler fought and he was about to deliver a final punch but was stopped by Bone a close friend of his. Bone then wiped his memories clean of his fight with Lincoln and the others and became a Poochyena.

Kai and the others decided to give Chandler a chance and Spike Tyke's father adopted him as his son. Chandler and Tyke got along well with each other as they were definitely like brothers. Kai and the rest smiled at the scene as their former enemy is now part of the family.

Star then looked at Tyke as she blushed a little. Tuffy and Ribbons are both having fun. Tuffy thinks that Ribbons is beautiful and Ribbons thinks Tuffy is handsome and cute. However the battle is just beginning as the fate of the Universe hangs in the balance.

To be continued...

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