S6 Chapter 1: Meeting the Popples and Kian the Fox

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In a forest an energetic fur ball known as a popple along with a fox that has two tails just like Tails. There names are Party and Kian the fox.

 There names are Party and Kian the fox

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Kian: Party slow down will you.

Party giggled.

Party:(excited) You'll have to catch me first!

Kian chuckled as he chased after Party until they were both attacked by Shadowstorm

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Kian chuckled as he chased after Party until they were both attacked by Shadowstorm.

Shadowstorm:(evil smile) Hello Kian.

Kian glared at Shadowstorm with anger and hate

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Kian glared at Shadowstorm with anger and hate.

Kian:(anger) Shadowstorm.

Shadowstorm charges at both Kian and Party with his double swords as he tried to slash them but they dodged the attack. Kian charges at Shadowstorm and punched him in the face and Party sneaked attacked him but Shadowstorm grabs her and throws her at Kian as he catches her.

Kian: You ok?

Party: Yeah I'm fine.

Shadowstorm: Say goodbye!

That's when an orange blur comes and punched Shadowstorm hard as he crashed into a tree.

Kian and Party are surprised to see Kai.

Kai: Are you two ok?

Kian: Yeah we're ok.

Shadowstorm got up and glared at Kai but knew that he can't win against him.

Shadowstorm:(anger) This isn't over.

Shadowstorm retreated.

Kai: Who the heck was that guy?

Kian: His name is Shadowstorm a dangerous ninja and a deadly fighter.

Kai: Then I better tell the others to be careful if they ever meet him. You guys could also come with me if you want.

Kian and Party thought about and agreed as they get the other Popples.


PickyPiggy and the others are playing a game of tag while Lily Loud watched and had a sad look on her face.

PickyPiggy and the others are playing a game of tag while Lily Loud watched and had a sad look on her face

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Lori: Something wrong sis?

Lily: It's just you guys already got families of your own and I wish I had a family of my own.

Luan then placed her hand on her sister's shoulder.

Luan: Don't worry sis I'm sure you'll have a family of your own.

Lily:(smile) Thanks sis.

Kickinchicken: Aunt Lily come join us in the fun!

Lily giggled as she joined them in playing tag. Kelvin and Dravise were under a tree meditating until they sensed Kai and a few other energy signatures.

Kai: Hey guys I brought some new friends.

They looked to see Kian and the Popples. Hoppy Hopscotch blushed a little when she saw how cute and handsome he is. Dogday also blushed at seeing Party.

Catnap: Who are they?

Kai: Everyone meet Kian the Fox, Party Popple, P.C Popple, Prize Popple, Puzzle Popple, Pretty Bit Popple, Potato Chip Popple, Puffball Popple, Putter Popple, and Pancake Popple.

Kian: Um hi.

Jake: Sup.

After Kelvin and the others also introduced themselves to Kian and the Popples. They have gotten along well with the others. Kian told them that he arrived on Earth when he's evil cousin Shadowstorm killed his parents and he met the Popples when he was in the forest. They felt sympathy for Kian. That's when Lily had an idea as she would adopt them as her children. The Popples and Kian even started seeing Lily as a mother to them.

Dravise: I have a feeling that Aunt Lily now have kids of her own.

Kai:(smile) I'm happy for both her and them.

Lily:(smile) Are you guys ready to have fun?

Kian:(smile) You know we are mom!

P.C: Then let's have fun!

Kai and everyone all started to have fun as Kian and the Popples are happy to be part of the Loud Family.

Meanwhile with Shadowstorm...

The Fox remained hidden in cave as he is filled with hate.

Shadowstorm:(anger) The next time I see Kai and the rest. I will kill them!

Drazeros: So we have something in common.

Shadowstorm looked to see Drazeros standing before him. Shadowstorm has a shocked expression on his face. The fox has heard the stories of the warmongerer but he never believed he would see him up close.

Shadowstorm:(shocked) Y-you're-

Drazeros:(smirks evilly) Indeed. I am Drazeros.

To be continued...

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