S6 Chapter 11: The hunt for shards

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After Swift Heart and the others became part of the Loud Family they each have had fun living with each of their adoptive families but Dharak has created Swift Heart.exe and the others to help him break from his prison.

Dharak: Awaken my servants.

Kai.exe and the others awoke from their slumber as they kneeled to him.

Dharak: I am sending all of you in groups to retrieve the shards and bring them to me so I can be free from this accursed prison.

Swift Heart.exe: Yes my lord.

Tom.exe: Pardon me for questioning you my lord but what about Drazeros and his team along with Kai and the rest?

Dharak: If they get in your way. Destroy them.

Nyx.exe: Get moving you idiots!

Catnap.exe growled in annoyance at the female Catnap.exe. 

Kai.exe: Enough our mission is far more important than fighting amongst ourselves.

They go to each of the coordinates of the crystal shards in order for Dharak to be free.


Kai and the others are also searching for the shards. Kai, Lilac, Catnap, Lori, Lucy, and Furno(Red Catnap) are in ancient Egypt while Jake, Carol, Swift Heart, Lavender, Violet, Puzzle, Clyde, Lynn Jr, Kittynap, Frowny Fox, and Lola are in the mountains. The others are in different places searching for the shards before they fall into the wrong hands.

Kai and the others entered the pyramid as they find the shard.

Lori: I see the shard!

The Shard stood on a stone stand.

Lilac: Alright let's grab it and get out of here.

Lilac was about to grab it but Kai stops her.

Kai: Let's check for traps first.

Kai grabs a stone and throws it to one of the floors as spikes came up from the floor.

Catnap: That was close.

Furno watches his step as he grabs the shard.

Kai: Nice job Furno. Now let's get out of-

That's when a dark sphere hit them. Drazeros, Razia, Sabrus, and Seth are in front of them. Kai, Lilac, Lori, Catnap, Lucy, and Furno charges at them. Kai and Drazeros clash while Lilac and Lori fights Razia. Lucy Catnap and Furno fights Sabrus and Seth. But unaware that Kai.exe and Lilac.exe are here.

Meanwhile at the mountains...

Lola and the others are also fighting Siderian, Felice, Serpentine, Metal Kai and Necro for the shard but Nyx(female Catnap) and the others are preparing to attack. 

Lola: You creeps aren't getting the shard!

Lola punched Serpentine as he crashed into the wall. Swift Heart roundhouse kicked Necro.

Necro: Not bad kid but not good enough!

Violet: Then how's this!

Violet uses swift as stars came out from her tail and tackled the panda.

Siderian looked to see the Shiny Eevee is still alive after all these years.

Siderian:(evil smile) Well well well. I thought you had died with your parents back on Gaia.

Lavender and Violet glared at Siderian with rage in their eyes but they weren't the only one. Kittynap and Frowny Fox also glared at Siderian.

Frowny Fox:(anger) You'll pay for what you have done!

Frowny Fox charges at Siderian and punches him in the face. Jake tried to slash but Siderian blocks the incoming attack. Kittynap brings out her claws as she slashed him. Siderian growls in anger.

Swift Heart and Puzzle both attack Felice as the tiger blocks their attacks grabbing Swift's leg and throws her at Puzzle. Swift Heart was on top of Puzzle which caused the two to blush a little but got back up to fight until Jake.exe and the others attacked.

Siderian: What the...

Swift Heart.exe: You have something that we need.

Back with Kai and the others...

They were still fighting Drazeros and the others until a strange smoke appeared.

Catnap: Oh no.

Kai and the others suddenly felt sleepy as Kai.exe and Catnap.exe appeared

Kai.exe: I'll admit it was quite enjoyable but alas somethings must come to an end.

Kai.exe takes the shard and was about to leave but Kai grabs him by the leg.

Kai: I won't let you!

Kai.exe: Oh don't worry the real battle will begin soon when our dragon god Dharak is free!

Kai.exe knocks him out as they leave.

Back with Lola and the others...

Lola: You punks want the shard you'll have past us first!

Nyx.exe:(evil smile) Oh we would love nothing but to kill all of you but we have a busy schedule to keep.

Kittynap.exe knocks out Kittynap and unleashed her smoke which knocks out the others. Frowny Fox.exe takes the shard and returns to the temple. Luan and the rest along with their enemies in the lake were covered in bruises and knocked out by Luan.exe and the others.

PickyPiggy.exe: I was hoping they would put up more of a fight.

P.C.exe: Don't worry babe the next time we face them then we can kill them.

PickyPiggy.exe smirked evilly and kissed P.C.exe on the cheek.

Kickinchicken.exe: Let's go already our master will grow impatient if we are late.

They also return to the temple.

Deep beneath the Earth...

Kai.exe and the others returned with six of the shards.

Dharak: Excellent. My freedom is near. And soon the universe will be in chaos!

To be continued...

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