S6 Chapter 18: The Fate of the Universe part 3

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The clash sent a huge shockwave as Kai and Dharak clashed in the sky while the others watched from the ground.

Lilac: Please Kai comeback to us safely.

Drazeros simply stared.

Drazeros:(You had better not let us down Kai.)

Unaware to them that a golden spirit is soon to reveal himself along with the others to help Kai when the time is right.

Kai in his Dragon God Form punched Dharak hard in the stomach which surprised Dharak. The Dragon God of destruction growls in rage as he knees him in the stomach and hits him behind the back as he crashed into the building.

Kai(Dragon God Form):(groans) He packs a punch. But I won't give up!

Kai charges at Dharak as he punches him under the chin and uses Dragon Boost as the battle now takes place in space.

Kickinchicken: You can do it Kai! We all believe in you!

Kelvin: He's right beat him!

Then everyone began to cheer for Kai to beat the evil Dragon God of Destruction in order to save Earth, Avalice and the Universe.

Kai and Dharak now fight in space as they punched and kicked then Kai brings out his sword while Dharak brings out his spear. They an epic weapon fight between Sword and Spear.

Kai slashed at Dharak's cheek as a small cut appeared but it then disappeared.

Dharak:(anger) I'm done playing around.

Dharak unleashes his full power. He then charges at Kai as he punched Kai hard in the stomach which caused him to cough up blood and barrages of punches Kai couldn't block them all. Dharak sent Kai crashing into the ground of the moon. Kai was covered in bruises and he was badly hurt.

Drazeros:(anger) Dammit Kai! Get up!

Lori: Come on son don't give up.

That's when they see golden spirits heading up to space.

Dravise: Let's give Kai an extra boost!

Everyone nodded as they transfer their energy to Kai.

In space...

Kai groaned as he tried to get up.

Dharak:(evil smile) This is the end!

Dharak is about to finish off Kai but the Golden light appeared.

Dharak:(shocked) What?!

Kai soon find himself in a realm that he didn't know.

Kai: Where... am I?

Dragold: In between life and death.

Kai looked to Dragold, Dragoon, his deceased parents Dragonic and Wavern.

Kai: Dragold. Dragoon.

Dragoon:(smile) Hey kiddo!

Kai had tears as he goes and hugs Dragoon as his guardian hugs him back.

Dragonic: You sure have grown son.

Dragonic: You sure have grown son

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