S9 Chapter 1: Chikn nuggit and his friends join the Loud family

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After Kai and the others defeated Kai Black and his team and saved the world they have been enjoying their day having fun.

Everything was going well until they hear a whimper.

Kai: You guys hear that?

Kelvin: Yeah. Let's go find the source of the noise.

Kickinchicken: I just hope it's not another dangerous enemy.

Bulltrap: Don't jinx it.

They go to the forest to find the sound. They found a village but it was destroyed.

Hoppy Hopscotch: No doubt this was Drazeros and his team's work.

Frowny Fox: No kidding those jerks leave nothing but a path of destruction wherever they go.

Kai: Let's check for survivors.

Team Kai goes to see if there are any survivors. They hear Kian call their names.

Kian: I found survivors!

They ran to where Kian is and see animals and Pokemon badly hurt. The dog also lost his eye, arm, and leg.

Kai: Let's get them to the house and fast!

Team Kai quickly picked them up and took them to the house to treat their wounds.

Kai and the rest waited patiently and hoped that they are alright. Lisa, Nicole, Artemis, and Bubba Bubbaphant came to them with good news.

Artemis: They're ok and awake.

Kai: Thank Dragold.

Cozy Glow: Can we see them mom and dad please?

Lori:(chuckled) Sure

They all go to see the animals and pokemon.

Dog: W-Who are all of you?

Kai: It's ok we're not gonna hurt you guys.

Lincoln: Can you tell us who you all are and what happened?

Dog: I'm Chikn Nuggit.

Fidough: My names Bun

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Fidough: My names Bun

Fidough: My names Bun

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