S2 chapter 5: Project Kelvin Arc 2

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(Previously on Freedom Planet Kai the firedragon's adventures. At a mysterious hidden a stasis pod opened revealing to be Kelvin the firedragon a secret project that was locked away years ago. When he awoke he remembered what happened back at the station and was filled with rage. Can Kai and his friends defeat Kelvin and defend Earth? Find out now!)

Everyone was in their battle stance against Kelvin.

Kai: (anger) Well let me tell you something right now Kelvin if you want to destroy this world you'll have to get through us first!

Kai and Lilac charges at Kelvin and both tried to punch him but he grabs both their fists and threw them to the wall. Henry summons blue and purple machine guns and fired at Kelvin but he dodged every last attack and grabbed him by his ears Milla charges at Kelvin before he threw Henry at her.

Drazen, Neera, Jake, and Carol all charged at Kelvin but he uses his fire vortex at them that sent them flying.

Kelvin: You're all pathetic. All of you are no where near my level!

Kai soon got back up.

Kai: (determined) You sure about that!

Kai charges at Kelvin and delivers a strong punch to his face. Kelvin was surprised but paid no mind to it as soon began at Kai and Kai does the same. They both deliver barrages of punches and kicks to each other. Lilac and the others soon regained consciousness and saw the battle between them the loud family and the others are surprised the battle between two firedragons.

Lincoln: (surprised) Anyone else seeing this?

Lori: I am and I don't believe it those two are giving their all.

Kai tried to roundhouse kick Kelvin but he blocks it and punches Kai in the stomach and he was sent to the ground but quickly got backup. Kai panting heavily from the injuries he received.

Kelvin: (smirk) I'm impressed that you were able to stand against me but I don't have time for this we'll meet again soon weakling.

Kelvin then disappeared. Lori and Bobby both ran to their son in worry and Lilac and the rest all rushed to his side.

Lori: (worried) Are you ok Kai?

Kai tried to standup but couldn't do to the amount of damage he received.

Kai: (grunts) I think I'll be fine... but we need to worry about Kelvin he's obviously planning something big.

Lilac then placed Kai on her shoulder. Kai blushed seeing how close he was with Lilac. Lilac blushed as well. Jake the wolf and the others all smirked and thought about teasing them but they need to defeat Kelvin in order to defend Earth.

( Can Kai and the others defeat Kelvin and save Earth from total destruction find out next Freedom planet Kai the firedragon's adventures)

To be continued...

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