Chapter 17: Battle for the stone

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Meanwhile at the warship Siderian along with Serpentine and Brevon prepare their attack on Kai and his friends.

Siderian: Once we have the stone our master Drazeros will return. He laughs evilly

Brevon: Let's go and pay this Firedragon a visit.


Kai the firedragon and Drazen the panda are having a spar with each other the same is with Jake the wolf, Henry the basset hound, along with Lilac and her friends.

Kai charges at Drazen and tries to punch him in the face but Drazen dodges and hits him in the stomach.

Kai: You're pretty strong Drazen. He complimented Drazen.

Drazen: You're also strong yourself Kai.

Jake the wolf walked up to them.

Jake: I see that you two are done sparring.

Both: Yeah.

Henry and Milla sees rockets in the sky coming for them.

Henry: Incoming!! He yelled out to his friends.

Kai and everyone takes cover from the missiles.

Kai sees Siderian along with Serpentine Brevon as well as seeing Felice and Necro.

Kai: (angry) What are you creeps doing here?

Siderian: (evil smirk) Simple we want the stone and we'll take it by force.

Kai then looked to Lori and Bobby along with the other families.

Kai: Mom Dad everyone get to the house now!

Lori and the others nodded as they ran to the house for cover.

Siderian: Attack!!!

They all charged at Kai and the others as an intense battle was about to begin.

Kai and Lilac fights against the warlord Brevon. Kai tries to kick Brevon in the face but grabs his leg and throws him into a tree. Lilac charges at Brevon but dodges and hits her in the stomach and throws her to the tree with Kai.

Jake and Drazen fights Siderian as they have an epic sword fight as Jake punches Siderian in the face. Siderian gets back up and charges at Jake but Drazen stands in his way as he tries to stab with his spear but Siderian dodges the blow as he brings his sword down but the panda dodges the attack just in time.

Carol and Neera charges at Felice and Serpentine. The snake fires his guns at them but they dodged them and both landed a powerful punch on Serpentine. Felice the tiger charges at them and roundhouse kicked Neera and tries to punch Carol but she dodges and gave Felice an uppercut.

Henry and Milla attacks Necro. Henry uses his powers as he creates blue and purple gauntlets as he tries to punch her but dodges as she brings her spear as she tries to stab him but Milla stops her by summoning green and orange cubes. Necro growls in anger as she charges at both Henry and Milla.

The Loud family, Casagrande, and McBride family are worried for Kai and the others but then hear a strange sound.

Lincoln: Do you guys hear that?

They all looked around until they see Syntax holding the stone and escaping with it.

Lori: Oh no you don't scrapheap!

Lori charges at Syntax with a shovel to stop the drone from escaping with the stone.

Syntax: You're efforts are futile.

The drone fires its laser at the shovel as it turned to dust. Lisa then activated the sentries and fired at Syntax but Syntax transports herself back to the warship and with the stone Lincoln ran after the drone but also got transported with her.

Syntax: I have the stone and with a guest.

Siderian: Well it's been fun but we must leave.

They left before Kai and the others could stop them.

Lori and the others ran to them and told them what happened.

Kai: We got to rescue Lincoln.

Drazen: We will but first we need to figure out where they are.

Lilac: I think I know where they could be.

Lincoln woke up in a cage as he sees Siderian and the others.

Siderian grins evilly at Lincoln.

Siderian: (smirks evilly) So nice to see you again brat.

Lincoln cowered in fear as he hopes that Kai and the others will rescue him.

To be continued....

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