S7 Chapter 5: Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow attacks

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In a dark cave three figures are planning to attack the Mane 6. One is a insect like pony, the other is a filly, and the last one is a Minotaur. These are Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek.

 These are Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek

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Chrysalis: Soon we will have our revenge on Twilight Sparkle and her friends!

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Chrysalis: Soon we will have our revenge on Twilight Sparkle and her friends!

Tirek: Yes but let's not forget about this Kai Loud and his friends. They must be dealt with.

Cozy Glow: True but they won't defeat us and soon we will rule Equestria!

They laugh evilly together as they go to attack Twilight and her friends.

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

Lavender and Violet are having fun with the Cutie Mark Crusaders while Kai and the others are enjoying the day until they sense three energy signatures heading towards Ponyville.

Bubba Bubbaphant: We got company!

A energy ball was about to hit them but Swift Heart kicks the ball into the air and explodes as they see Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow.

Twilight: Chrysalis, Cozy Glow, and Tirek?!

Kai: You know those three?

Applejack: Dangerous foes that tried to take over Equestria but we stopped them.

Kelvin: Then let's beat these three down.

Kai: Careful everyone I can tell that these three won't go down that easily.

They nodded agreeing with Kai as they charge at the three enemies. Tirek fired at Lori and Bobby but the two dodged it and punched Tirek. Chrysalis tried to hit Kai, Lilac, Craftycorn and Dravise with a magic beam but they dodged and punched Chrysalis.

Lavender and Violet faced off against Cozy Glow as barrages of punches were seen in the sky. Violet tried to kick Cozy Glow but she blocks the attack and throws her straight to the ground.

Lavender:(anger) Big mistake.

Lavender punched Cozy Glow hard in the stomach and smacks her in the face with her tail. Frowny Fox and Kittynap both punched Tirek as the Minotaur blocks the attack but unaware that Bulltrap attacks him from behind while Jake, Drazen, and Kian attacks Tirek. Twilight hits Tirek with a full power attack.

Chrysalis growls in fury as she tries to attack them but they all dodged the attack. Lilac and Craftycorn both punch her in the face. Swift Heart hits her from behind while Kai and Dravise delivered the finishing blow by using Dragon Boost.

Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow knew that they can't win.

Kai: Give up you three.

Jake: Yeah y'all lost.

Tirek:(anger) This is far from over.

They retreated into Everfree Forest.

Frowny Fox: Are you ok Violet?

Violet: Yeah I'm ok dad.

Lavender hugged Violet which caused her to blush as did Lavender.

Lavender: I'm so glad you're ok.

Kai: 🎵Can you feel the love tonight?🎵

Lavender and Violet blushed.

Both:(blushing) Uncle Kai!

Kai and the others chuckled.

Party: They're tough. We'll need to be ready in case they comeback.

Dogday: Agreed.

Clever Claws: That does remind me brother when's you guys wedding?

Both Dogday and Party blushed when he said that.

Dogday: Clever Claws!

They all laughed.

Drazen: Oh come on little brother me and the others are looking forward to be aunts and uncles.

Dogday and Party's blushes grew bigger.

Dragold: I see that all of you are having fun.

They looked to see Dragold standing before them.

Dravise:(happy smile) Uncle Dragold!

Dravise and Dragold both hugged each other while Kai and the others all have happy smiles on their faces.

Meanwhile with Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow...

Cozy Glow:(anger) They'll pay for this!

Tirek: Indeed they will!

???: Then it seems we have a common enemy.

The three villains looked to see Drazeros standing before them with an evil smile on his face.

Cozy glow hid behind Tirek scared of him.

Chrysalis: Who are you?

Drazeros:(evil smile) My name is Drazeros and I'm here to offer you three a deal.

Tirek:(curious but cautious) What kind of deal?

Drazeros: Join us in destroying Kai and his friends and Equestria will be yours.

Chrysalis, Tirek, and Cozy Glow smiled evilly.

Chrysalis:(evil smile) We accept.

Drazeros:(evil smile) Good.

To be continued...

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