Chapter Three

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What if...the roles were reversed and Lucas was possessed, died for a minute and went into coma? (Angst)

We're just going to pretend this song was made in the 1980s because I feel this song will relate to this chapter.


"Alright boys that's it! Let's get ready for game day today!" The coach says, clapping his hands as well as the boys.

Lucas goes over to the table, him going to pour him a cup of water and go to drink some of it, him wiping his mouth a little after he is done. He feels his nose when he feels blood trickle down from it, some of the blood getting in the cup of water that he holds. Lucas goes to grab a tissue, him going to wipe the blood from his nose, throwing the cup away.

"Hey Sinclair come on let's go!" Jason says with a smile.

"Coming." Lucas says to him, going over to his bag and going to take out the pain medicine out of the bottle. He goes to pop three in his mouth before putting the bottle back in his bag, putting his bag over his shoulder and taking out his mp3 player and headphones, going to put them on before making his way over to the door, beginning to walk with Jason and all of the other boys down the hallway.

"Man this game is going to be awesome!"

"I know I can't wait!"

Lucas honestly drowns out the conversations going on between them, him just letting himself get lost in the song that plays in his ears. He relates to the song in a lot of ways. He thought he was able to take a lot of things, especially when they were introduced to demogorgons and demodogs, but the Mind Flayer...

So he can relate to the song in a lot of ways, him feeling nothing but pain he wonders where do we all go when it's all over. They always make it seem like when humans die they go to heaven, and heaven is always filled with peace. So why live on? Why live on in such a painful world? Why not just end it all and take your chances in the after life? It just feels like everything has gone wrong, and the peaceful place up in the sky they beg to help but it doesn't. So Lucas just wants to go up there and join them, join heaven.

He doesn't know why, but the thoughts of them in the star-court mall fighting it, it's face roaring into theirs it is...terrifying, it feels his visions every night and truth be told it is haunting him. He doesn't know why, the others seem just fine, so he tries to drown his traumas and fears into one thing.


"How you feeling Sinclair?" Jason questions while patting his shoulder.

"Haven't lost one yet right?" Lucas questions rhetorically.

"That's the spirit!" Jason says with a smile.

Lucas walks by Jason, him looking over ahead of him to see Mike and Dustin leaning on the lockers, Max talking to them while her backpack is on her back. When they see him they all go to look at him, Lucas looking at them for a minute, more so looking at Max before he turns off, him continuing to walk with Jason.

"I don't know what the hell happened." Dustin comments.

"I mean one minute he's fine but next minute he's just being...distant." Mike says.

Max looks back over at Lucas, seeing him still walking with Jason, Jason patting his back. "Oh screw this." Max says before she begins to walk over to him.

"Wait Max wait!" Dustin tries.

"There's no stopping her." Mike says.

"Lucas!" Max calls out, some of the boys turning around to face her.

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