Chapter Fifty One

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What if....Max was a prison guard and Lucas was a prisoner? (Smut and...idk) (Yay! Let's imagine the uniforms look like this pic above)

Thanks for the request! NotGodsimp


"Why the hell do we always get the night shifts going into early morning?" Ashley, Max's guard partner questions while they both sit in the security room.

Max sits in the chair with all of the TV's and monitors being around the different cellblocks and courtyards and every single hallway of the prison, Max having her feet propped up on the table. "I very much prefer it, it's less work to do then the guards during the day shifts." Max says before looking at her. "All we have to worry about is the rats behaving themselves during breakfast, other than that we sit here while they are in their cells, easy job." She says before standing up.

"I know but it just gets boring sometimes." Ashley says while she stands up.

"We get paid sixty an hour salary to basically do nothing, I very much prefer this. Now come on it is time to wake the inmates." Max says.

"Alright." Ashley says back.

Max and Ashley walk together down the long hallway, Max taking out her keycard and going to put it against the scanner, it blinking green twice before the door clicks open, them always working B and C block along with some other guards. The lights go to open all down the long hall filled with cells on the left and right side, it causing a very loud sound from the lights turning on and the alarm going off.

"Wake up!" Max says, slamming her Paton against one of the cell doors. "You know the rules, stand in front of your cell doors and when it opens form a single filed line!" Max instructs.

The cell doors open, all of the men going to form a single filed line, one of the guys smiling while clearly looking at Max up and down. "I would definitely want that for breakfast." He comments in a light mumble.

He grunts hard when Max hits his crotch area with her Paton, him slowly falling on his knees while holding his crotch area tightly, his face turning red and the veins popping out of his head from the pain that he feels.

"Anyone else?" Max questions, her putting her Paton back on her belt while looking around, the other prisoners just staring straight ahead of them. "Good."

"What about the US grand reaper?" Ashley lightly whispers at Max.

Max looks over at her, her looking back ahead of her. "I'll take care of him."

Lucas sits on his bed in a cris crossed position, his back being straight up posture perfect, his hands being rested against his knees. His cell door only holds a little square window, it only being a bed at the right corner then a toilet and a sink, books being everywhere in his cell neatly placed.

His eyes still remain closed when the door opens, causing a loud sound and the light in his cell room going to turn on.

"Stand up." They command.

"Where is Max?" Lucas questions, his eyes still remaining closed. "I can smell the scent of complete randoms, or maybe that is just Jesse Heard, Spencer Chance, Ashton Perez and Mason Brown." Lucas states all of their names, going to open one eye to look at the four guards, all of them clenching their jaws. "How ever did I know?"

"Stand.up. Last warning." One of them say.

"I think I would like to see the mere consequences you think your tone of voice will cause me. Fear? Submission? Obedience?" Lucas questions.

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