Chapter Eighty Two

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What if....The Lumax family celebrated Thanksgiving together? (Fluff and light smut) (continues 2 years after chapter fifty six, with Lucas being in the Air Force)

Happy Thanksgiving lovelies, here is a Thanksgiving gift! Have a awesome day and get fat off turkey and cranberry sauce and all of that good stuff!



Max hums along to the music playing on her Bluetooth speaker that her phone is connected to, her putting the sauce all around the turkey, lightly glazing it before she goes to put it in the oven, it being four pans on the stove as she stirs everything within the pans, her being in one of Lucas's long sleeved black shirts and some night shorts of hers, the house being a little cool in temperature, cleanser products being smelled around the house as well as the smell of the food.

The kids all play in the lounging room upstairs. Atlas the firstborn is now nine years old, Jaxon the second born being seven while Luna the third born being almost two years old, her being a little over a year and a half. Max and Lucas both have a newcomer little girl about two months ago, them deciding to name her Star since Max went into labor while they were gazing up at the stars one night, them seeing a shooting star right when she went into labor.

A story that makes all of her friends and co workers laugh since she works part time remotely.

Max looks up towards the stairs when she hears a thud. "Boys!" Max calls out.

"Sorry mom!"

"Be careful!" Max calls out.


"How's your sister doing?!"

"Which one?!"

Max rolls her eyes. "The one in the bouncing baby seat!"

"Be more specific please! Luna is currently in a bouncing baby seat!"

Max just sighs out with her eyes closed. "These kids are driving me crazy." She says to herself. "Star!"

"She's fine she's laughing at my amazing dancing skills!"

"Alright just be careful and don't break anything otherwise daddy will be mad!"


Max turns back to look back at the stove, her turning the light on in the oven, her going to pour herself a glass of wine, her immediately downing all of it as soon as she pours it, her going to pour herself another glass.

She looks towards her phone with a smile when it rings, her immediately answering it and putting it to her ear. "Lucas, my savior my knight in shining armor."

"Hello to you too." Lucas smiles while he is in a Uber in the backseat, him being in a simple black muscle shirt and jeans. "Why does my babygirl sound a little tired?"

"Because your babygirl is tired." Max answers. "Your sons are driving me nuts. They woke up with so much energy, I may drug them with Benadryl in a minute."

Lucas chuckles. "Don't worry when I get there I'm going to horse around with them outside. It actually feels really nice out today."

"It does, I was thinking maybe we can eat outside by the pool." Max suggests.

"Sounds amazing, I'm so ready for your cooking."

"I'm so ready for you to get here hurry up." Max says while she begins to wipe the counters and clean around.

"I'm going to be there in ten." Lucas answers while he eyes his watch. "Seconds."


"Don't tell the kids I want to go up there and surprise them." Lucas says. "But also I want a little time with you, to greet you in my oh so proper way."

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