Chapter Fifty Six

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What if....Lucas was in the air force and he finally came back home to Max and his kids after a three month job? (Fluff and Smut)


Lucas has his plane headphones on while he flies the jet, him flipping a few strips while he looks at his watch. He wears his Air Force black uniform of black combat pants of many pockets as well as his holster and a black long sleeved shirt, him being incredibly fit and large, him having multiple ribbons at the right side of his chest with his uniform.

"Lieutenant cargo is all accounted for." Darren, one of his co workers says while going to sit down at the passenger side of the jet.

"Thank you Darren. We are set to land in ten." Lucas says, him flipping a few more switches.

"Want to play some cards when we head to base?" He questions.

"Going to call my family first." Lucas says.

"Ah yes." Darren smiles, looking at the picture of him Max and his two sons and one daughter. "What are your kids names again?"

Lucas smiles. "Our firstborn Atlas is his name he's seven. Jaxon our second son he's five, and our daughter Luna she's about seven months old."

"Oh man, sounds like the life." Darren smiles.

"It truly is, can't wait to get back to them." Lucas says. "Fasten up, we're landing."

Darren goes to put on his seatbelt, Lucas smoothly going to land the jet on the pad, him stopping it and him helping Darren pull out the cargo. "You know you don't have to help me with this right?"

"Darren just because I got promoted doesn't mean I'm not going to help you and be one of those Lieutenants who just sit there and watch you all when I can be helping." Lucas says while helping him transport the cargo into the base.

"And Lucas that is what makes you the best Lieutenant, seriously man I'm glad you got promoted. You deserve it." Darren smiles.

Lucas smiles back at him, them getting done moving the cargo and Lucas going to shake his hand. "Thank you man, let me know if you need anything else. I'm going to go get some work done in my office."

"Alright." Darren answers.

Lucas pats his shoulder before he begins to walk inside of the base down the long hallway, everyone nodding at him in acknowledgment and Lucas nodding back at them with a smile. After a minute he arrives at his office, him sighing a little as he sits down and leans a little back, him smiling as he picks up the picture of him and Max, both of them smiling brightly into the camera. He remembers this day like it was yesterday, them getting married.

He picks up the other picture of him her Atlas Jaxon and Luna in the picture, it being just a few months ago actually, all of them smiling into the camera while they are in the front yard. His thumb strokes over Max's face, him leaning back more in his seat while smiling.

Lucas pulls out his phone when it dings, him smiling more when he sees that Max sent him a video, him going to open it and begin to play it.

"Hey there Lieutenant." Max says while she stands outside with her sunglasses on, her holding Luna who has her pacifier in her mouth. "We are outside while the boys play catch and play with their drones too, have to make sure they are not crashing it into the house again."

"Dad look at what I can do!" Atlas says, him going to fly his drone and then it upside down. "Barrel roll!"

"Daddy we have a surprise for you when you get back! Hurry back!" Jaxon smiles while waving in the camera.

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