Chapter Twenty Four

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What if....Steve took Nancy home for the night? (Cross-side from chapter twenty three) (Smut)


"Excuse me."

They all turn to look at Mike, his hands being in his pockets. "Boss wants to see you." He motions towards Max.

"Boss?" Max questions.

Mike nods, motioning his head towards Lucas. "Just through that door. I wouldn't recommend taking long though, he doesn't like to kept waiting."

Max just laughs, Nancy chuckling a little and Eleven just giving a tight smile. "So he is one of those men." Max says.

"Go ahead girl." Nancy motions.

Max just shrugs a little bit. "Alright, I'll see the boss." She quotes, her going to walk away.

"Good luck!"

"Have fun!"

Mike looks over at Nancy. "You have someone wanting to see you too." Mike mentions. "Six o clock."

Nancy turns around, her spotting Steve finishing the rest of his drink, sliding his glass to the bartender who immediately starts making his drink. Nancy turns back to look at Eleven. "You going to be good?"

Eleven smiles softly while she nods. "Yeah."

"Alright." Nancy replies, her looking back at Mike. "Better not hear negative things." She says before walking away.

Nancy goes to make her way over to Steve, the bartender sliding him his drink, Steve going to take it and begin drinking some of it, his eyes setting on Nancy. He is a good looking man, him wearing a nice black tuxedo without the jacket, him having some light stubble on the bottom of his face and around his lips and chin, one of his hands being in his pockets.

"So I have to come over here to see why you are staring at me so much?" Nancy questions, leaning one of her forearms on the counter, leaning a little bit on it while looking at Steve.

Steve smiles while he drinks some of his drink. "I was well on my way to you."

"What are you some bodyguard or something?"

Steve shakes his head, leaning his forearm on the counter and going to set his drink down. "No."

"Then...why the all black?"

"What I can't like black?" Steve smiles. "You're wearing all black." He motions, his eyes clearly trailing down her body.

"Yeah but I don't look like a body guard though."

Steve laughs a little. "Touché." He motions. "So what brings you here tonight? Anything specific?"

"Girls night." Nancy responds.

"Ah." Steve nods, him going to look around a little. "Don't see any girls though."

Nancy laughs. "Yeah they got hung up with your other bodyguards."

Steve laughs a little. "You are either new here in town or this is your first time coming here."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I would have seen you before." Steve replies. "So which one is it?"

"First time here." Nancy replies, her going to take his drink and going to take a slow long sip of it while eyeing him, her licking her lips a little after putting the cup down.

Steve smiles at her. "What's your name babe?"

"Nancy." She introduces.

"Nancy." Steve smiles. "Well Nancy..." he inches closer to her. "...definitely saw you up on that stage, you are captivating."

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