3 - Ali

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I could honestly have called it happening but not quite in that sort of explosive manner. Jesus what a shitshow. Me and Dee barely got back in off smoke break and suddenly that asshole is hollering at me like I'm his goddamn butler. Oh honey, if I could I would ram this receipt so far up your ass you'd be able to taste the ink. But you know what? He is not worth me losing my job right now. I just want to finish up so me and Dee can go get blind drunk at The Wine Cellar. So I go, get it printed and run it over and shit, I've forgotten the card reader so I go dashing off to get it and in the time it takes me to get from the table to the cash register... well, that shit was straight out of a soap opera! Literally, cue the music from Eastenders.

Instagram asshole goes flouncing out the door and now everyone is staring at plaid shirt guy and I cannot help but feel bad for him. I go over and just crouch down beside him and gently put a hand on his shoulder. He's trying so desperately to curl into himself I'm half scared he's gonna lash out and hit me but no. He just looks round and I can see how close he is to crying. Damn, this has really hit him hard. I just smile at him, trying to reassure him.

"You okay?"


"Bad first date?"

"Yeah... you could say that"

He's easing back up in his seat now. But he is still very wary. Some people are still staring. I take my hand off his shoulder but keep crouched beside him. Poor guy. There's no way he is paying for that prick's food.

"Well fortunately we have a no paying for assholes policy. So I'll comp the salad and the daiquiris. You ain't wasting a penny on him."

I give him a genuine smile. At least it feels like it. It's hard to tell what a genuine smile is anymore after working here. He looks guilty but gives a smile back and goddammit I cannot with how cute this guy is. I go and fix the bill and comp everything I need to before bringing it back. I give him another smile. I really hope its reassuring and not just me looking like a dick taking pity on the poor gay boy who just had a date go up in flames. He pulls out cash to pay for his.

"Cool I'll get your change"

"N-no, keep it as a tip"

"That's real kind but I ca-"

"Please? You didn't have to check on me or do that with the receipt so just, y'know, please take it?"

I can see the look in his eyes. He's practically begging. I sigh but smile and accept. He clearly just wants to get control of something about tonight back and shit, it's a round for me and Dee later if I do take it so I'm not about to argue.

"Can I get you anything else?"

"No. Thank you... what's your name?"

"Alister. but everyone calls me Ali"

"Ali... I'm Harvey."

He sticks his hand out in front of him as if he's expecting me to shake and he immediately looks embarrassed again. I save him from it and just shake. It's a little weird. A little formal but hey if it makes him feel comfortable I'll roll with it.

"Good to meet ya, Harvey. Well if you ever wanna come by for a drink, Dee makes the meanest cocktails in the south west." I gesture over at Dee who is behind the bar cleaning down. It's getting on for nine at this point. She's shut down half the bar for the last hour we're open. Rory and Georgia are clearing down their areas. Half the kitchen is cleared out as they start shutting down. It's just me who's behind at the moment but I only have six tables to clear and I can always bribe Dee to help me if I really need it. Harvey gives me a real smile this time. Like the one he'd given me when I had come to take his order. Damn, if that's just how he smiles all the time then he's not gonna have to worry about this date disaster. He'll have people lining up to go out with him.

I realise all too suddenly that, yet again, I've been staring at him and that smile for far too long. I get up far too quickly and head back to the register to sort the bill and put the tip - a full £7 and change - into the front of my apron. Jagerbombs on me later. I go back to doing my clear down, totally not watching out of the corner of my eye as Harvey heads to the bathroom and then over to the bar before going to leave and casting one last look over his shoulder and giving me a wave and smile goodbye. I sheepishly wave and smile back.

As he exits the building, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I catch Dee giving me a knowing look from the bar and I quickly scuttle back to clearing down. We're finished in record time tonight. Me and Dee change in the back before going out. I dodge every question she tries asking me about that Harvey guy.

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