39 - Ali

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Harvey should know better than to challenge me in the matter of presentation and what looks good. This bitch grew up watching Trinny and Susannah on mum's nights off which became Strictly. Even toyed with doing dance but then the bullying started so I went with Karate instead. Not that it stopped me from picking up how to tell someone's measurements by eye. It's not even difficult when you know your own already. You just add or subtract what you need to from there.

The first place we go is Jolly's. Harvey is protesting already but neither me nor Nia are hearing it. At one point as I'm looking through shirts, I catch Harvey looking uncomfortable and doing his best to not be seen. I stop and go check on him, just gently putting a hand on his elbow and grabbing his attention.

"Hey. If this is making you freak out, we can just tell Nia we're going home."

"No, it's fine. I'm fine."

"Harvey... you're not fine. What's up?"

He sighs and hangs his head. I lean into him, kiss his cheek and take his hands in mine, squeezing gently. He allows himself a half smile.

"Just... reminds me of the places my family would shop and... I don't know, they always felt kind of pointlessly expensive?"

"No, I get that. We can always look through the sale racks if it helps?"
"Is it really important that we dress up?"

I stand back and look at him and he looks like he has shrunken into himself. And now I think about it... this is one of the first times he's even mentioned family. I've never really pushed him about it because it isn't my place to ask but it gets me wondering. I don't think he even talks to them. Do they know about me? About us? About any of it? I sigh and pull him into a hug. Thinking like that is not going to help me in any way and Harvey clearly needs some support right now. We aren't addressing anything he isn't ready to.

"Hey, we can go somewhere else if you want. I'll just have to pull Nia out of the depths of the Hugo Boss section."

I can feel Harvey chuckle into my shoulder.

"Oh let her have her fun. She can be a lot but she is like the flat mum with how she looks out for people. Plus, right now she is in her element" he chuckles quietly. I gotta admit, he is right. She has gone full on professional stylist. It's kind of amazing and also terrifying and even the staff are giving her a wide berth. I kiss Harvey's neck.

"Then let's just... wander around the shop. I wanna pick out a new shirt and there is only one brand I like in here."

"Okay... then we can go somewhere else that's more..."

"Your style?"


"Of course"

He offers a smile but it is a little faded compared to his usual. I smile at him and gently thread my arm through his, coaxing him along. He rolls his eyes but does follow me and we just stroll through not really looking at anything until we get to the section I was looking for. I know full well they have what I need - I checked the website while Harvey was asleep. When we round the corner I bolt right for the Without Prejudice shirts. I rifle through vigorously and find the exact one - a white shirt with cherry blossom print. A massive smile spreads across my face as I spin to face Harvey who looks a little more at ease.

"What do you think?" I ask him.

"I think you're going to look incredible" he says and that familiar sparkle is back in those golden eyes. I walk up to him and kiss him. God, kissing him feels so good. Even just quick little ones. When he pulls away he just looks at me and runs his thumb along my jaw and under my chin. He goes to say something when his eyes flick sideways. He moves away and grabs a shirt from the rack near us. It's actually gorgeous - dark blue with a floral print... fuck, he would look hot wearing that.

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