Epilogue - Ali

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Seven months later

"Babe, are you sure about me wearing this?" Harvey calls down from upstairs. I smile into the mirror of my eyeshadow palette. I had perfected the rainbow smoky eye effect after the fifth attempt and a lot of cussing that resulted in Matty batting me across the back of the head with his fan. I head to the bottom of the stairs to see Harvey standing there in just his boxers looking at the crop top. Honestly, I wouldn't mind seeing him in just his underwear all day honestly but a bitch likes to keep certain views to themselves. That is definitely one of them.

"You are going to look amazing whether you wear that or wear something else" I say.

"I know... I just know I said I would try something different" Harvey replies, sounding unsure and maybe a little uncomfortable. He was fine around me now but I know he still had a complex about his body.

"And you can change your mind if you don't feel a hundred percent. Either way, you are going to look amazing and I love you, okay?"

"Okay... I'll grab my tank top instead."

"Good choice. It's gonna be hot as Satan's taint out there today."

I head back into the living room where Matty is fanning himself. He has a black crop top with a trans flag printed across the front. Athena was panting already. Dee was going to be coming by to look after her. She wasn't feeling great and was having serious stomach problems so she was happy to just chill out with Athena instead of coming with us.

"I have never wished for rain so fervently as I am right now" Matty groaned.

"I mean hey in about an hour we are going to be in a sweaty train carriage with no aircon surrounded by drag queens and other assorted queer folk. Enjoy what passes for cool while you can."

"Ugh, you are such a wonderful host, Ali."

I flip Matty the bird and head upstairs to see Harvey. I'd enjoyed having Matty around but he was handling the breakup badly. It was a pretty nasty split and Luke had been a real ass about it, making Matty out to be the spawn of Satan when he'd just wanted some room to work on himself without the pressure of a relationship. Me and Harvey had literally been in the room when the conversation happened and yet we were the biased bitches for saying Luke was blowing things way out of proportion. It really was getting on my tits and Harvey had been trying to be the diplomat over it.

"Okay, I love your cousin but he needs to snap out of his funk before we get to Bristol or I am going to smother him."

Harvey, who somehow is still not dressed yet, breathes out a laugh through his nose and comes up to hug me and kisses my neck.

"It's only been a month. Let him get it out of his system. He's been really hurt and he's still working on some things."

"I know, I know... Can I smother Luke instead?"

"No. And if he approaches any of us today. We don't know him."

"Can I be an outright bitch to him?"

"Mm... yeah, why not? It's a special day."

I wait and watch as Harvey gets dressed, just admiring him. He started going to the gym more after the Christmas break. He tried getting me to go with him but... yeah it didn't take. I can't deal with all that. But it has worked for him and he's been doing way better mentally. And he somehow looks even better than before. I mean, he was always gorgeous but he just wears his beauty now, he fits inside his own frame with so much more confidence and surety than before. He pulls on a black tank top with rainbow pinstripes down the side and denim shorts. He has rainbow sweatbands on his wrists and a gold glitter heart on his left cheek. He's tied his hair back too and he just looks so good I could easily just not leave this bedroom. But then Harvey turns and looks at me and smiles and I honestly cannot wait to get out and be so unabashedly gay together.

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