44 - Harvey

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The one thing I haven't done since I was about sixteen is turn off my alarms. They stay the same through every day of the week. Not just the ones to remind me about my meds but for other things too - when I worked in a shop for a bit I had them for the start and end of my break. When I was studying for exams, I had one to tell me to stop for the night and chill or go to bed. And of course, I have them to wake up in the mornings. So I am very used to being up at about half past six even when I feel like death or haven't slept particularly well. The only downside is that Ali, my vivacious and spirited boyfriend, absolutely loathes mornings. Especially when he hasn't had a lot of sleep. So I am not surprised when he cusses me out and turns over grumbling like the king of the mountain trolls.

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart" I say a little too loudly and far too cheery and he elbows me in the side.

"Shut up" he slurs as he resettles in a new position. I chuckle and lean and kiss his neck before getting up and out of bed, grabbing my towel and heading to the bathroom. Athena barges past and heads down the stairs. Once she hits the bottom of the stairs and looks up at me, making a huffing sound and then looking down towards the kitchen. I guess she wants food so I head down and follow her through the house. She leads me to the back door out into their little yard which she starts pawing at. I turn the key and open it so she can go out and do her business.

"You know, that's how I know Ali has made a good choice."

I spin and see Ali's mum stood in the kitchen and sipping on a coffee. She has her work clothes on already. Or she just got back, I'm not entirely sure. I smile kind of sheepishly and head over to join her.

"A good choice on... what?" I ask. She just gives one of those knowing smiles that only parents are really capable of before she answers.

"On you, Harvey. If there has ever been a metric for me and Ali to measure how good someone is then it is how Athena reacts to them and how they interact with her in turn. She's a big beast of a dog and that puts a lot of people off. The only other person I have seen her this good with outside of family is Dee."

"In fairness, I was terrified of her at first. But that's because I'm kind of scared of dogs in general. She is about the only dog I am okay to be around."

"She clearly thinks you are good as well. The fact that she lets you partake in her routine as if it is natural to her says that."

"You think so?"

"I know so"

"Oh... thank you. This might seem really silly but that actually means a lot."

"You're welcome. And, for what it's worth, I think you're good for Ali too."

"You do?"

"I'll admit I was always going to be a little judgemental of whoever Ali started dating. And you two cutting class being the first time I met you was not the best start but your intentions have always been caring and good. You two just seem to fit together. Athena likes you and I think you are lovely."

"Thank you, Mrs Doherty."

"Please, call me Sharon. I'm not your teacher."

"Sorry... thank you, Sharon"

"You are very welcome, Harvey. Now I must get on but is there anything you need before I go?"

I have a quick think and get a sudden idea.

"Actually... do you know if you have flour and what would Ali usually have as a filling if he had something like a crepe?"

She smiles.

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