54 - Harvey

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In all the time we have spent where one of us has spent the night with the other, I have never woken up and seen Ali already up and alert. But the moment I reach under the pillow to silence my phone, I see him curled up against me, eyes wide and softly smiling. I grumble a little bit as I rub my eyes to wake myself up a little and look back at him. His blonde hair all in different directions, those deep, forest green, lustrous eyes looking at me. The small smile curling his lips. I lean in and kiss him. He giggles as he returns it, nuzzling into my neck when I start to yawn.

"Good morning" he says, his breath hot and tingly on my skin.

"Mm... morning" I murmur back, still half-asleep "how are you up before me?"

"I had a decent night's sleep apparently."


"Right? Honestly feels weird."

I laugh as I lazily wrap my arm around him and he giggles again, as my lips find his. At one point, he rolls towards me and pushes me back down into the mattress so he's straddling me. He kisses me a little harder and hotter and my hands start roving up his back and he quickly pulls the hoodie of mine that he keeps wearing off and pulls me up into a sitting position to practically tear off my tank top. It is hot and causing me to get a bit... excited. Ali has started kissing a trail up my neck and under my jaw before pausing to whisper in my ear.

"Did you... want to?"

"You mean..."

"Yeah. Only if you want to though."

I lie there for a couple minutes, thinking about it. Just staring into Ali's eyes as he sits back, drawing invisible patterns across my skin with his fingers. We'd put it off for a while. I've always been nervous about it. I've never been with anyone and I've pretty much always been worried about not being good enough for Ali or not giving him what he needs in that regard. But we just fit so well together and I do really want to do everything and be everything for him. I lean up and pull him into a kiss, mind settled on my answer.

"Yes. Definitely"

"You're sure?"


"You know you don't have to if y-"

I roll my eyes and pull him into a kiss, one hand on the back of his neck and the other at the small of his back, pressing his body to mine. He melts into the touch and his hands are instantly in my hair. Gods, he feels so good. Eventually, I roll onto my side pulling him back down into the bed with me. He looks a little drunk on the kiss and I smile.

"I want to do this, Ali. You just might have to..."

"Coach you through it a little?"

I blush with embarrassment as I nod. He kisses my cheek as his fingers dance a path from my collar bone down my chest, my stomach and resting at the waistband of my boxers. He looks at me as if asking for permission. I match his touch, hand coming to rest in the same place on his body and nod, leaning into kiss him again.

Everything becomes a blur. I'm pretty sure my brain melts. All that makes sense is Ali. His lips. His hands. His body. His eyes locked to mine. Nothing has ever felt so right before now. I don't know how much time elapses before we collapse down into bed exhausted and sweaty and unable to really form coherent sentences. Just breathing heavily and completely absorbed in each other's bodies. I'm completely drunk on this feeling and I snake my arm around his waist, pulling him into another kiss as he giggles.

"Okay, okay. Lemme get my breath back first" Ali says, grinning.

"That was... Ali, that was just..."

"I know, I'm just that good."

"Shut up, wiseass" I say and prod him in the side which causes him to yelp "honestly, Ali. I just... I love you."

"I love you too, Harvey"

"So... how did I do?"

Ali looks at me a little incredulously.

"You're asking to basically grade your performance."

"Okay... when you put it like that it sound ridiculous but I just feel like I'm not gonna be good enough"

"Because this was your first time?"


He cuddles closer to me, kissing me again, soft and sweet before speaking.

"Harvey, you were amazing. It felt great for me and I love you. Okay?"


"As long as you felt good too."

"It did. It was... I don't even have the words."

"It's a really fucking weird thing to try and wrap your brain around"

"Yeah. It wasn't what I expected it to feel like."

"Did you enjoy it though?"

"Oh fuck yes"

"Damn, he even swore!"

We laugh to ourselves and just fall back into an easy quiet, tracing our fingers along each other's skin. I keep finding myself lost in his eyes. I really don't want this moment to end but Ali does make a very astute point as he stretches.

"Okay. As much as I want to stay here and maybe go for another round or two, we should shower and maybe go do something productive."

"Can we... shower together?"

Ali just grins wide at that.

"Yeah. We absolutely can."

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